2021-11-20-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

2. The world this week

2.1 Politics

2.2 Business

2.3 KAL’s cartoon

3. Leaders

3.1 The triumph of big government

Bureaucracy unbound
How should classical liberals respond?

3.2 Barbarians at the garden gate

Big investors are filling a gap in the market

3.3 The next Afghanistan

The war on terror in Africa
To prevail against jihadists in the Sahel the West must learn from past mistakes

3.4 From role-model to cautionary tale

Two extremists are leading in the polls for this week’s presidential election

3.5 Don’t mock the metaverse

The future of the internet
The metaverse is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed

4. Letters

4.1 On vaccine passports, maths, Western Sahara, climate change, Joe Biden, French acronyms

Letters to the editor
A selection of correspondence

5. Briefing

5.1 The great embiggening

State spending
Some factors which drive the process are eternal and some are getting stronger

6. Europe

6.1 Aux larmes, citoyens!

Blame a looming election, the structure of the state and an innate Gallic gloom

6.2 Borderline case

Poland and Belarus
The EU wants to help Poland with a migrant crisis while punishing it for judicial abuses

6.3 Caucasian degeneration

Mikheil Saakashvili has been on hunger strike for six weeks

6.4 Atomic jitters

Nuclear weapons in Germany
What will happen to the nuclear bombs deployed there?

6.5 Permanent partition?

Hopes fade for a solution to Europe’s longest frozen conflict

6.6 Marx brothers

Local politics, force of habit and canny strategy help Europe’s communists cling on

7. Britain

7.1 The dead of winter

Emergency care
Hospitals are in a dire state—and temperatures are only just starting to drop

7.2 Just not cricket

Racism in sport
Allegations made to a parliamentary committee may spark a wider reckoning

7.3 Blue light

Asian swing voters
But domestic issues trump foreign affairs

7.4 All change

The economy
Post-furlough labour-market data offers grounds for hope, but more investment is needed

7.5 What’s in a name?

Social mobility
Shapley, Evershed and Charter are among the most fortunate

7.6 On the dock

Place-based policy
That makes them more complicated and potentially less fair

7.7 Who runs the country?

The result is extremism, and juvenile squabbling

8. Middle East & Africa

8.1 Sahel in a handbasket

Jihadism in Africa
Dysfunctional politics is exacerbating poor security

8.2 Whodunnit?

Uganda and Islamic State
Is the Islamic State responsible?

8.3 Spies against crime

The government is sending in more police, who are not always welcome

8.4 Bad smells everywhere

Corruption over rubbish collection is undermining the government

8.5 Pitch darkness

Football in Lebanon
The country is struggling to hold World Cup qualifiers amid power cuts and ruined stadiums

9. United States

9.1 Scott free

But America’s champion philanthropist operates like a middle-class donor

9.2 Provoking questions

The Rittenhouse trial
This will not be the last tense trial on the topic of self-defence

9.3 Answered prayers

Despite empty pews and sexual-abuse scandals, Catholic education is increasing in popularity

9.4 Rich in experience

Puerto Rico and covid-19
How an impoverished, battered island handled covid-19 better than the US

9.5 Spending and voting

The precedents suggest not

9.6 Drug deals

Health care
The party’s latest legislative proposal would bring the cost of medication more in line with the rest of the world

9.7 Pete Buttigieg’s impossible job

The secretary of transportation is a Democratic star. But fixing the roads won’t make Joe Biden popular

10. The Americas

10.1 Pole positions

Do voters worry more about crime and immigration, or about inequality and poor public services?

10.2 Chilly reception

Migrants in Chile
Venezuelans are having a tough time. Haitians have it worse

10.3 Cuba’s government smothers a planned nationwide protest

A rose, but no uprising
A pro-democracy movement hopes to fight another day

10.4 The ambiguities of Peronism

The ambiguities of Peronism

11. Asia

11.1 The embrace of the motherland

South-East Asia’s info-wars
They are winning converts for China’s worldview

11.2 Succession

Philippine politics
But she still has her eyes on a powerful role

11.3 A dangerous addiction

Indian government subsidies
Delhi’s poisonous air is just one of them

11.4 A matter of some pride

LGBT in Japan
But conservative politicians in the ruling party are blocking progress

11.5 Bear with them

But its regional influence remains limited

12. China

12.1 Soaking it up

Flood-proofing cities
After decades of ill-planned growth, urban areas are being retrofitted to prevent disasters

12.2 The grey walls of China

Street art
Street art has a devoted following, but is not as edgy as graffiti in Western cities

12.3 A Sino-American ice age

The two presidents spoke about managing dangerous tensions, but an ice age looms

13. International

13.1 Out of reach?

After COP26
But it did agree a mechanism to fill it in

14. Business

14.1 The Party capitalists

Business in China
Its growth model is at risk

14.2 A simple solution

Royal Dutch Shell
The oil major is looking for a less taxing energy transition

14.3 The business phrasebook

A short guide to what your colleagues really mean

14.4 Monet, Manet, Money

The art market
The art market is changing

14.5 If you build it

The metaverse architects
Where the tech titans have money, the games industry has experience

14.6 Chugging along

American railways
Supply-chain snags are driving up profits

14.7 Walmart gets its bite back

The Beast of Bentonville still has Amazon on its tail

14.8 Wanted: a new senior business writer

We’re hiring

15. Finance & economics

15.1 Material clout

China and commodities
Aside from its big appetite for energy and metals, it is also opening up to international traders

15.2 Houdini economics

Investment in Germany
The constitutional ceiling on borrowing is inspiring all sorts of wheezes

15.3 Land of the falling price

As consumer prices rise across much of the world, inflation in Japan stays stubbornly low

15.4 Success and succession

A visionary British investment house has had a stellar run. Can that continue?

15.5 Patch-up job

House prices

15.6 Lifting off

Frequent-flyer schemes

15.7 Lost promise

Ethiopia’s growth model

15.8 The inbetweener

Free exchange

16. Science & technology

16.1 Reservoir dogs. And cats. And buffalo…


16.2 When theories go belly up


16.3 Fragmentation grenade

ASATs and the ISS

17. Books & arts

17.1 The less accused

French nationalism
They have a deep and troubling history

17.2 Mechanical minds

Artificial intelligence
The statesman and Google’s former boss issue a salutary warning about the future

17.3 The seven-day itch

Marking time
A new book shows how modern cities embraced the weekly rhythm

17.4 Brave new worlds

The Guggenheim Abu Dhabi
It intends to retell the story of modernism

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

19. Graphic detail

19.1 An Immensa cock-up

Covid-19 testing
A new study shows that each false negative results in 0.6-1.6 subsequent reported infections

20. Obituary

20.1 Builder and dismantler

F.W. de Klerk
The last president of apartheid South Africa died on November 11th, aged 85