2021-12-04-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

2. The world this week

3. Leaders

3.1 Danger ahead

The world economy
Omicron amplifies three dangers that stalk the global economy

3.2 SALT in the wounds

Build Back Better
The Democrats’ fiscal policy makes a mockery of their progressive pledges

3.3 Local heroes

For vibrant, competitive internet businesses, look to emerging markets

3.4 Bad medicine

Sex and gender
Britain’s planned ban on conversion therapy is not what it seems

3.5 Who will police Interpol?

Global crime
The election of a worrying new president is just the latest thing to go wrong

4. Letters

4.1 On Kyle Rittenhouse, Centerra Gold, housing, social mobility, London’s bridges, business speak

Letters to the editor

5. Briefing

5.1 Watchful waiting

The Omicron variant
With its wonky spike, the Omicron variant looks ominous. How bad will it be?

6. Europe

6.1 The tests of tolerance


6.2 Accenting the negative

Language in Spain

6.3 Waiting for the freeze

Ukraine and Russia

6.4 High-pressure umbrage

German-American relations

6.5 Guess who?

Italy’s next president

6.6 On bullshit: Brussels edition


7. Britain

7.1 Missing the mark

Conversion therapy

7.2 Open book


7.3 Portrait of a Brexiteer

Lord Frost

7.4 Catching up on the capital


7.5 Straws in the wind


7.6 United, across the border

Sinn Fein

7.7 Jordan Peterson and the lobster


8. Middle East & Africa

8.1 Omicro-aggressions

The Omicron variant

8.2 Seeding the cloud

African tech

8.3 Pomp and circumspection

China and Africa

8.4 In need of water, not uranium


8.5 Drinking and driving

Booze in Saudi Arabia

9. United States

9.1 A tax plan for the upper, upper class

State-and-local-tax deduction

9.2 Message in a bottle

Tainted water

9.3 Shot spotty

Crime tech

9.4 Roe’s last stand

Abortion rights

9.5 All at sea

Navy shipyards

9.6 Beep beep, bang bang

Guns and cars

9.7 Son of a slave


10. The Americas

10.1 Missing links


10.2 A leftward turn


10.3 Pictures at two exhibitions


11. Asia

11.1 The patter of fewer tiny feet

India’s population

11.2 Ready for take-off?

Politics in Kyrgyzstan

11.3 A stop in the ocean


11.4 At the sharp end

Business in Japan

11.5 A familiar script


12. China

12.1 Against the tide

Unmarried mothers

12.2 Ballsy

Sport and human rights

12.3 Why China says it is a democracy


13. International

13.1 Interpolitics

Global crime

14. Business

14.1 Hot tropics

Asian tech firms

14.2 Exiting the Twittersphere

Social media

14.3 The office of the future


14.4 Ghosts of Christmas past

The music business

14.5 Cancel culture, Beijing-style

Internet censorship

14.6 Billion-dollar blueprints

Valuing patents

14.7 No more tears


15. Finance & economics

15.1 Omicronomics

China’s slowdown

15.2 Hazards ahead

Emerging markets

15.3 Squeezing the balloon

Climate finance

15.4 Over flows

Investment in India

15.5 After the flood


15.6 Point of low returns?

Norges Bank Investment Management

15.7 Taming wildcats

Free exchange

16. Science & technology

16.1 Flipping heck!

Random numbers

16.2 The memory of water


16.3 The memory of water


16.4 Through a glass, brightly

Mobile phones

16.5 Whirly birds are go

Electric flight

16.6 A nasty sting


17. Books & arts

17.1 The rice bowl’s tale

The politics of history

17.2 Stations of the cross

Embattled minorities

17.3 A long and winding ode

The Beatles

17.4 Message in a bottle

Forgotten wars

17.5 Two faces of a star

Cinema royalty

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

19. Graphic detail

19.1 “Levelling up” at gunpoint

The gulag

20. Obituary

20.1 Keep moving on

Stephen Sondheim