2022-01-22-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week




2. Leaders

2.1 British politics: The parable of Boris Johnson

And what it says about Britain

2.2 The future of technology: Big tech’s supersized ambitions

From metaverses to quantum computing

2.3 Vlad the invader: Momentum is building for war in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin is courting disaster for Russia’s neighbour—and himself

2.4 Pragmatism over pride: The rising cost of China’s property and pandemic curbs

It needs to recalibrate both

2.5 The triumph of culture: Introducing our new Culture section

As politics and culture blur, our coverage is evolving

3. Letters

3.1 On Hong Kong, Chicago, voting reform, north-south divisions, the metaverse: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. Briefing

4.1 Moonshooters: What America’s largest technology firms are investing in

Their focus is on the metaverse, cars and health care

5. Europe

5.1 The guns of January: As war looms larger, what are Russia’s military options in Ukraine?

They all have their drawbacks

5.2 An ever-closer union: Emmanuel Macron’s rivals are less Eurosceptic than before

But Europe still divides the presidential field

5.3 Must you be jabbed?: Arguments over compulsory covid-19 vaccination are raging across Europe

Austria is in the vanguard; others may soon follow

5.4 Land of ice and social democracy: The Nordic left is back in charge

But it has yet to define a new version of its admired social model

5.5 A not very new broom: Friedrich Merz takes over as leader of Germany’s Christian Democrats

Angela Merkel’s old foe finally gets the job

5.6 Charlemagne: What China’s bullying of Lithuania reveals about Europe

The EU’s internal indiscipline reduces its geopolitical heft

6. Britain

6.1 The price of survival: Boris Johnson’s broken premiership

He may cling on to office, but his hold on his party has gone

6.2 Telly addicts: Tory MPs love to hate the BBC, but Tory voters love to watch it

The latest piece of “red meat” may stick in the throat

6.3 Data: Britain’s Office for National Statistics did well during the pandemic

It did more as its job became harder

6.4 Hong Kongers: Britain’s newest immigrants are showing a flair for protest

Keeping up the old traditions

6.5 Still got skin in the game: Britain’s vellum industry is booming (quietly)

But the nation’s crafts are still endangered

6.6 Bagehot: Boris Johnson’s would-be assassins are very like him

The sons want to kill the father

7. Middle East & Africa

7.1 Welcome back: The Arab world is re-embracing its Jews

Changing attitudes and self-interested leaders are behind a surprising religious revival

Despots won’t prosecute their own henchmen. So victims seek justice abroad

7.3 Full of tension: Sunnis and Shias in Bahrain remain as far apart as ever

A prime minister who once called for dialogue has disappointed

7.4 Soot, loot, reboot: South Africa, the world’s coal junkie, tries to quit

But a gang of coal-dependent politicians is making it hard

7.5 Potions for prudes: Nigeria’s conservative north is overflowing with aphrodisiacs

The call to prayer is often followed by offers of more earthly upliftment

8. United States

8.1 Labour constraints: Staffing shortages in America are a glimpse into its future

Even as the pandemic ebbs, the pool of potential workers may be permanently smaller than once assumed

8.2 Handing out money: America’s experiments with guaranteed-income schemes show promise

Could the pilot programmes be scaled up?

8.3 Changing gun culture: Gun-ownership in America is diversifying, because of safety fears

Concerns over safety lead more women and minorities to arm themselves

8.4 Flags and free speech: The Supreme Court looks askance at Boston’s refusal to fly a Christian flag

A pole dance over the First Amendment

8.5 Voting rights and wrongs: Joe Biden’s voting rights push is futile

He doesn’t have the votes—and his proposals are misguided


8.7 Evaluating the United States: Is America exceptionally good or exceptionally bad?

It depends whether you ask a Biden voter or a Trump one

8.8 Funnier than thou: As Christian conservatives take to satire, the left is not amused

A Bee with a mischievous sting

8.9 Lexington: Merrick Garland and his critics

The attorney-general needs to bolster the Department of Justice’s defences against Trumpism

9. The Americas

9.1 The last wave?: Omicron comes to Mexico, a place that never really shut down

The country has already seen over 600,000 excess deaths

9.2 Drug bust: Bills be damned: Mexico’s president decrees better health care

Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s policies have led to shortages of medicine

9.3 Clamping down: They wanted a voice. Cuba’s Communist regime will give them jail

Around 60 peaceful pro-democracy protesters, some as young as 16, face years behind bars

9.4 Of conservation and cash: Ecuador’s president is expanding the Galapagos islands reserve

He also wants to pump more oil and dig up more minerals

10. Asia

10.1 Battling the superbugs: Drug-resistant infections kill almost 1.3m people a year

To understand why, look at South Asia

10.2 A kingdom cut off: The damage from Tonga’s volcanic eruption is still unclear

Communications were down for days

10.3 Mud on mud: Both main candidates for the South Korean presidency are reviled

Yoon Seok-youl and Lee Jae-myung are mired in scandal

10.4 A captain walks: Virat Kohli, India’s cricket captain, was more than a sporting hero

In some ways the retiring skipper exemplified India’s new nationalism

10.5 Because I say so: Novak Djokovic’s deportation from Australia sets a troubling precedent

The country’s powers to expel people who offend it are growing

10.6 Banyan: Asia’s holiday spots are missing Chinese visitors

China’s strict quarantine rules are keeping them away

11. China

11.1 Art and party: How Chinese propaganda films became watchable

Patriotic blockbusters are so entertaining people willingly buy tickets

11.2 Speaking in tongues: A film in Shanghai dialect is a surprise hit in China

Local languages are generally discouraged

11.3 Chaguan: The Communist Party revisits its egalitarian roots

Xi Jinping offers the stressed-out middle classes a dose of populism

12. International

12.1 Breaking up is easier to do: Divorce in the rich world is getting less nasty

Reforms are making it cheaper, quicker and a bit less adversarial

13. Business

13.1 In search of mastery: Can China create a world-beating AI industry?

Don’t hold your breath

13.2 High score: Why Microsoft is splashing $69bn on video games

The tech giant’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard is its biggest-ever deal

13.3 Going green-ish: What is ExxonMobil’s new climate strategy worth?

Big oil’s most reluctant decarboniser lays out its green plan

13.4 Flight tracker: Where next for air travel?

New covid variants stall aviation’s upward flight path

13.5 Less tea, more toothpaste: Unilever’s £50bn health cheque

Purchasing GSK’s consumer-health division may be hard to swallow

13.6 Bartleby: Drinking in the office

Don’t ban, don’t binge and don’t badger

13.7 Schumpeter: Making sense of the East-West divide in tech

A tale of two surprisingly different Turkish delights

14. Finance & economics

14.1 Omicronic pains: As China’s economy slows, policymakers seek to revive growth

Lockdowns and crackdowns are taking their toll

14.2 Chain reactions: Just how gummed up are supply chains?

A number of measures suggest that disruptions are historically high—and uncertainty lies ahead

14.3 Mixed messages: Why bank stocks are tumbling even as interest rates climb

Higher rates might crimp investment-bank profits

14.4 Battle of the blockchains: The race to dominate the DeFi ecosystem is on

Why Ethereum is losing market share

14.5 On the fringe: America’s labour shortages have done little to boost perks for workers

Low-paid workers receive more in benefits than before the pandemic. But the disparity with the highly paid is still vast

14.6 Buttonwood: Why the bias for debt over equity is hard to dislodge

With the preference for debt deeply rooted in financial markets, wholesale reform is risky

14.7 Free exchange: Economists are revising their views on robots and jobs

There is little evidence of a pandemic-induced surge in automation

15. Science & technology

15.1 Biotechnology: A $3bn bet on finding the fountain of youth

Can an instant unicorn crack cellular rejuvenation?

15.2 Child psychology: Babies learn about the world by looking at who shares saliva

Drools of attraction

15.3 Tropical diseases: A field test for malaria resistance

It will help to save lives, and may slow resistance’s spread

15.4 Marine conservation: Illuminating fishing nets may reduce by-catch

A green light for saving sharks and rays

16. Culture

And the soundtrack of modern politics

16.2 On angels’ wings: A vivid history shows another side of the Crusades

“Queens of Jerusalem” brings forgotten medieval rulers to life

16.3 Into the swing: In “Free Love”, a woman finds liberation in “swinging London”

But, in Tessa Hadley’s new novel, freedom comes at a cost

16.4 World in a dish: The art of fasting

In a season of abstinence, take a lesson from Ethiopia

16.5 Risky business: A history and defence of venture capital in “The Power Law”

It is a vital feature of modern capitalism, says Sebastian Mallaby

16.6 Hip-hop revolutionaries: J Dilla “reinvented rhythm”, says Dan Charnas in “Dilla Time”

The producer heard music in a different way from his peers

16.7 Back Story: “West Side Story” and the magic of remakes

The best are a form of time travel, says our new culture column

17. Economic & financial indicators


18. Graphic detail

18.1 A shot in the arm: Do vaccine mandates actually work?

The Canadian and European experiences suggest they do

19. Obituary

19.1 What the Red Tails did: Charles McGee faced adversity at home as much as abroad

One of the few survivors of the all-black “Tuskegee Airmen” died on January 16th, aged 102