2022-02-12-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week




2. Leaders

2.1 The next crisis: What would happen if financial markets crashed?

Look to history for a guide, but know that next time will be different

2.2 Minsky moment: Diplomacy has created an opening for detente in Ukraine, but beware a trap

Russia is invoking the Minsk agreement to sow chaos, not to bring peace

2.3 Green investors’ filthy secret: The truth about dirty assets

Polluting businesses are moving into the financial shadows

2.4 Festive but fraying: India’s democracy is not as healthy as this month’s elections make it seem

It is not just sectarianism that is ailing the body politic

2.5 Radical research: Some lessons on inventing the future in Britain

How to make the country’s new innovation agency work

3. Letters

3.1 On Ukraine’s gas pipelines, the Cuban missile crisis, George McGovern, Bangladesh, police alternatives, culture, Boris Johnson: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. Briefing

4.1 Local, but vast: The elections in Uttar Pradesh will show where India is heading

Can Narendra Modi’s BJP recreate its successes of the 2010s?

5. Europe

5.1 The chancellor wakes: A beleaguered Olaf Scholz launches a diplomatic offensive

Caution over Ukraine has hurt the German leader’s image

5.2 Shaky state: Bosnia is on the brink of falling apart again

The Serbs want out

5.3 The few, the proud: Spain’s empty middle flexes its political muscles

In Castile and León’s election, local parties fight depopulation

5.4 Drones of their own: Turkey is the arms industry’s new upstart

It has won clients in Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Ukraine and elsewhere

5.5 All the boys and girls: In France’s election young people are all over the map

From the far right to the far left and everything in between

5.6 Charlemagne: A European bunfight breaks out over food labels

Italy is mounting a defence of the Mediterranean diet

6. Britain

6.1 Law and order: London’s Metropolitan Police Service is failing on three fronts

That makes it less, not more, likely that it will change

6.2 Dashed promises: Northern Irish devolution collapses—again

The province’s politics are very far from the heady days of the Good Friday Agreement

6.3 Bare necessities: Britain’s cost-of-living squeeze in four charts

Higher prices and taxes are only partially offset by government measures

6.4 Taming the circus: Boris Johnson attempts to get his government back under control

The prime minister’s new chief of staff has an unenviable task

6.5 Hualong, farewell: British regulators have approved a Chinese reactor design

It is unlikely to be built

6.6 Justice delayed: Unless lawyers are paid better, courts will grind to a halt

The government pays solicitors and barristers too little for legal-aid work

6.7 Bagehot: The rise of unpopulism

Why Tories give the British people what they do not want

7. Middle East & Africa

7.1 America and Iran: Nuclear talks with Iran enter the endgame

Time is running out to avert a new crisis in the Middle East

7.2 The surveillance state: Did the police in Israel use Pegasus spyware on citizens?

The answer could upend Israel’s most important judicial case

7.3 Back with a bump: More African countries are letting pregnant girls stay at school

Parents, principals and religious types still need convincing

7.4 Older and less wise: The African Union is less effective at 20 than it was at two

Its enforcement of democratic norms is slipping

8. United States

8.1 Congressional redistricting: Democrats have fared surprisingly well in Congress’s new maps

But the boundaries still favour Republicans

8.2 Another exodus?: Rival Jewish congregations feud over America’s oldest synagogue

A historic synagogue is at the centre of a power struggle

8.3 TikTok nuns: A group of nuns goes viral for Jesus

TikTok has made them popular outside the convent

8.4 Party loyalties: Is Donald Trump losing his grip on Republican voters?

New polling and fundraising figures suggest slippage

8.5 Street food: Roadkill is now on the menu in Wyoming

Crashes between cars and wildlife are too common. Salvaging roadkill can help

8.6 Carjacking: What the carjacking wave says about American policing

It is a fairly easy crime to get away with

8.7 Lexington: Messing up, Biden-style

The administration’s errors have the president’s fingerprints all over them

9. The Americas

9.1 A lopsided romance: Despite thriving trade, China’s relationship with Brazil is weakening

President Jair Bolsonaro’s rhetoric has not helped

9.2 A deadly profession: Four journalists have been killed in Mexico this year

The country remains the most dangerous place in the world to be a member of the press

9.3 Bello: How the “Cannibal Manifesto” changed Brazil

It is 100 years since modernists vowed to transform the country’s culture

10. Asia

10.1 The ailing body politic: The organs of India’s democracy are decaying

It takes more than elections for a country to be democratic

10.2 Sidewalk ballet: Bangkok is trying to evict its street hawkers

The city’s residents would like their pavements back

10.3 Quarter-acre heartbreaker: New Zealand’s housing crisis is worsening

That is bad news for a government which promised miracles

10.4 Blood feuds: The outcome of the Philippines’ election is not as certain as it looks

An absolute majority may not be enough for Ferdinand Marcos Jr to win the presidency

10.5 Explosive growth: South Korea wants to become one of the world’s biggest arms exporters

A legacy of defence spending and support from America are boosting the weapons industry

10.6 Banyan: Kishida Fumio’s “new capitalism” is many things, but it is not new

The prime minister’s big idea to reinvigorate Japan is better politics than economics

11. China

11.1 Thinker-in-chief: Wang Huning’s career reveals much about political change in China

He has shaped the leaders’ defining policies for more than two decades

11.2 Injecting urgency: Hong Kong’s old folk remain largely unvaccinated

Omicron is putting them at greater risk

11.3 Chaguan: The good and the bad of China on Olympic show

As Beijing hosts the winter games, a mood of pride mixed with defiance

12. International

12.1 Crisis in Ukraine: How Russia has revived NATO

Ukraine has forced America and its allies to bond. But the country’s future is still uncertain

13. Business

13.1 To the victors, the scraps: Disney, Netflix, Apple: is anyone winning the streaming wars?

Investors are terrified that the prize may not be worth it

13.2 Industrial technology: Why Japan’s Automation Inc is indispensable to global industry

A little-known pinch-point in the world’s supply chains

13.3 Fabs with benefits: In the global chips arms race, Europe makes its move

Will it work better than it did a decade ago?

13.4 Income support: How long can America Inc’s profits keep rising?

This year they may not be as immune as before to infection, inflation and imploding supply chains

13.5 Slumber party: The sleep-tech industry is waking up

The tired are tucking in. Investors dream of riches. Scientists need convincing

13.6 Bartleby: Rio Tinto and the problem of toxic culture

A disturbing report has lessons for other industries

13.7 Schumpeter: As its sale of Arm collapses, the tide is turning against SoftBank

Does Masa have his trunks on?

14. Finance & economics

14.1 What goes up?: Is the modern, bank-light financial system better than the old one?

Brace for a stress test

14.2 Fossil hunters: Who buys the dirty energy assets public companies no longer want?

It could well be your university or your pension fund

14.3 Buttonwood: How unlisted startups’ valuations will adjust to falling share prices

Surprisingly slowly

14.4 Rice restraint: Asia is not feeling the same price pressures as the West

A stronger dollar could change that

14.5 How to default on China: China does not always collect its debts on time

Thirty-nine developing countries have delayed repayment to China since 2000

14.6 Free exchange: The promise of former eastern-bloc economies is mostly unfulfilled

But those that joined the EU have done much better than the rest

15. Science & technology

15.1 The bots in the warehouse: New robots—smarter and faster—are taking over warehouses

Most picking jobs will be done by bots

15.2 Sidewalk bots: Sidewalk robots are already busy delivering groceries

But autonomous vehicles are waiting for the green light

15.3 Deafened: Plants are adversely affected by the racket of urban traffic

They get stressed and grow less well

15.4 Standing ovation: Spinal implants allow the paralysed to walk, swim and cycle again

The new device works in less than a day after it is fitted

16. Culture

16.1 Au revoir tristesse: The strange tenderness of Michel Houellebecq’s new novel

In “Anéantir”, a bard of modern France takes a surprisingly upbeat turn

16.2 China’s other dreams: To understand China, says Megan Walsh, turn to its literature

“The Subplot” is a pacy tour of contemporary Chinese literature

16.3 Heart in mouth: Rachel Jones is an artist of the moment

Her painting captures the concerns of the 30-year-old’s generation

16.4 Insurgent history: How do radicals find each other—and get heard?

Gal Beckerman offers some answers in “The Quiet Before”

16.5 Home Entertainment: “Columbo” shows the benefits of asking just one more thing

However powerful the villain, the scruffy detective always outwits them

16.6 Johnson: A language without a flag and a state is still a language

Suggesting that a regional language is not a “real” one is mistaken

17. Economic & financial indicators


18. Graphic detail

18.1 Olympian judgments: How to detect nationalism in winter-sport judges

Even the ostensibly impartial seem susceptible

19. Obituary

19.1 India’s nightingale: Lata Mangeshkar was the soundtrack of newly independent India

The most celebrated of all playback singers died on February 6th, aged 92