2022-03-05-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week




2. Leaders

2.1 The invasion of Ukraine: When Vladimir Putin escalates his war, the world must meet him

Muttering nuclear threats, Russia’s president vows to prevail in Ukraine whatever it takes

2.2 The world economy: A new age of economic conflict

The West has used crushing sanctions on Russia. The implications are huge

2.3 War and price: Central banks should ignore soaring energy costs

But they must continue fighting home-grown inflation

2.4 Macron, and on: France needs a proper debate ahead of its presidential election

But time is running out

2.5 Climate change: Climate change must be adapted to as well as opposed

Efforts to reduce its impact on lives and ecosystems are falling ever shorter

3. Letters

3.1 On Vladimir Putin, Canada, vaccines, roadkill, Wordle: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. Briefing

4.1 Fearful symmetry: Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is wrecking two countries

It is a tragedy, and it is a catastrophe

4.2 The economic weapon: Western sanctions on Russia are like none the world has seen

But they may weaken the system they are meant to defend

4.3 The post-post-cold-war world: The war in Ukraine is going to change geopolitics profoundly

Some bits will look familiar, some will look unprecedented

5. Europe

5.1 Exodus, again: A new refugee crisis has come to Europe

Ukrainians are pouring into Poland. But many are heading the other way, to fight

5.2 Unloved, but respected: Emmanuel Macron bids for re-election as war roils Europe

France’s president seems highly likely to keep his job

5.3 A colossal task: Rome’s new mayor tackles his predecessors’ mess

Roberto Gualtieri is making a fist of Italy’s hardest job

5.4 Magnum castellum: A Roman fort in Holland is linked to the conquest of Britain

Dutch archaeologists dig up a remnant of a successful invasion

5.5 Charlemagne: With war at its doors, Europe discovers a capacity for action

Germany signals the dawn of a new era

6. Britain

6.1 Peak Nat: Scotland’s constitutional debate is deadlocked, despite one crisis after another

The United Kingdom seems to have weathered its moment of maximum danger

6.2 Attitudes to immigration: When it comes to refugees, Britons are both harsh and liberal

No wonder their government is confused

6.3 SEND help: England’s special-education system is on its knees

The number of pupils with the severest needs is shooting up

Among other measures is a long-delayed bill aimed at flushing out dirty money, whatever the source

6.5 Indecent proposals: The age of marriage is being raised in England and Wales

The move is welcome, but late

6.6 Trojan Horse rides again: “The Trojan Horse Affair” reignites a row over radicalisation in schools

A punchy podcast fuels debate over Prevent, a British anti-terrorism programme

6.7 Bagehot: The rise and fall of Londongrad

The era of Russian money in London is over. Other rich foreigners will fill the gap

7. Middle East & Africa

7.1 The parallel state: South Africans are building alternatives to public services

When the government fails, people fend for themselves

7.2 Class struggle: The need to pay for education draws Africans into the market

But not all earn enough to afford it

7.3 Fear moves south: The world’s centre of terrorism has shifted to the Sahel

Last year almost half of those killed by terrorists were in sub-Saharan Africa

7.4 General engineering: Egypt’s President Sisi wants to reshape its cities

The rich will get luxury homes and quick commutes. The poor fear displacement

7.5 Message in a bottleneck: Israel hopes new data cables can make friends of former enemies

They will also break an Egyptian monopoly on internet traffic

8. United States

8.1 State of the union: Joe Biden’s state-of-the-union address fails to impress

Ukraine aside, a gaffe-laden speech does nothing to turn Democrats’ problems around

8.2 Gas tax: The debate over suspending America’s petrol tax

Shaky economics v shiny politics

8.3 Little Odessa and Ukraine Village: America’s Ukrainians rally and mobilise

Preparing for a fifth wave of immigrants

8.4 Carbon trackers: Carbon-footprint calculators and their lessons

What households and companies can learn about global warming from online carbon trackers

8.5 Climate control: The Supreme Court may throttle Joe Biden’s plans to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions

The justices seem inclined to curtail the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority

8.6 Transgender rights: Don’t mess with minors’ sex in Texas

Governor Greg Abbott demands that treatment with puberty blockers be investigated as child abuse

8.7 Lexington: The end of the Putin delusion

Donald Trump’s party is returning to its senses on Russia

9. The Americas

9.1 South America’s rust belt: Why industrial decline has been so stark in Brazil

No other country has seen manufacturing as a share of GDP vanish so fast

9.2 Parks and wrecking: Nicolás Maduro lets miners trash Venezuela’s forests

“Ecosocialism” apparently means bulldozing nature to build mansions

9.3 Honk for impunity: Bolivia is awash with contraband cars from Japan

Around 25,000 so-called chutos enter the country every year

10. Asia

10.1 Offshore Beijing: China-watchers are fleeing the country for other Asian hubs

The exodus is turning Singapore into the Vienna of the 21st century

10.2 Crime and no punishment: Singapore’s high court retains an anti-gay law

But only because it is not enforced

10.3 An unedifying campaign: South Korea’s presidential election springs a last-minute surprise

It will not help improve the mood of the electorate

10.4 Liberty bale: Uzbekistan has succeeded in abolishing forced labour

Workers are even usually paid in full and on time

10.5 Banyan: Ukraine has changed how Taiwanese see themselves

The spectre of a powerful country gobbling up a smaller neighbour has sharpened minds

11. China

11.1 Bullying a Balt: Lithuania sees threats from two big powers: Russia and China

Russia is bombing one European democracy; China is boycotting another

11.2 Immunity with Chinese characteristics: Foreign embassies in China puzzle over a diplomat’s detention

Was it a calculated warning or spooks gone rogue?

11.3 Chaguan: Vladimir Putin is an imperialist, but China does not care

China and Russia agree that big countries should run the world

11.4 Jobs at The Economist: We’re hiring a China-focused data journalist

Join The Economist’s efforts to cover the world’s largest country

12. Business

12.1 How to escape the bear market: Europe reconsiders its energy future

Will oil at more than $100 a barrel, gas markets in turmoil and war be enough to wean Europe off Russian gas?

12.2 The exodus: Western businesses pull out of Russia

Abandoning the country is easier for some firms than others

12.3 Advancing on all fronts: Russia’s attack on Ukraine means more military spending

The defence industry looks set for bigger business

12.4 Tesla in Germany: Will Elon Musk change Germany?

Or will Germany change Elon Musk?

12.5 Bartleby: Company or cult?

The dividing line between firm and sect is often thin. How to tell them apart

12.6 Schumpeter: How Europe’s commodities traders took a gamble too far on Putin’s regime

This is one war they may not be able to win

13. Finance & economics

13.1 The other crisis: China scrambles to prevent property pandemonium

As defaults escalate, another shock threatens to hit the global economy

13.2 The world economy at war: War and sanctions means higher inflation

But not necessarily higher interest rates

13.3 Shock, stocks and barrels: The war in Europe is a triple whammy for emerging markets

It will add to an already long list of headaches

13.4 Nyet interest: European banks have most to lose in Russia

And it’s not just about loans

13.5 Kindred Seoul: South Korea’s economy threatens to become like Japan’s

That could spell enormous trouble

13.6 Buttonwood: Investors are terrible at forecasting wars

Markets are just as clueless after conflicts happen

13.7 Free exchange: Vladimir Putin’s Fortress Russia is crumbling

The chaos in Russian markets shows the impossibility of economic “self-reliance”

14. Science & technology

14.1 Climate change: The latest UN climate report is gloomy, with some sunny patches

It says that adaptation is as important as prevention

14.2 Atolls as power stations: How to power Pacific islands

Turn the atolls themselves into power stations

14.3 Science, diplomacy and the war in Ukraine: What future is there for Russia’s foreign science collaborations?

Mixed, at best. Non-existent at worst

14.4 The origin of covid-19: More evidence that covid-19 started in a market, not a laboratory

Two new papers make the case robustly

15. Culture

15.1 American politics: A history of the Democratic Party offers lessons for leaders today

The party has succeeded by focusing on the economy, Michael Kazin argues

15.2 American fauna: A new book charts the changing fortunes of America’s national bird

The bald eagle was not always venerated, Jack Davis shows

15.3 World in a dish: Ukraine has a glorious cuisine that is all its own

Foods, like countries, can be intertwined but still remain distinct

15.4 Behind the veil: An anthology by female writers shows a different Afghanistan

The stories in “My Pen is the Wing of a Bird” depict the resilience and humanity of Afghan women

15.5 Back Story: In a resonant staging of “Henry V”, war is murder in uniform

Shakespeare was unblinking about the heartlessness and horror of conflict

16. Economic & financial indicators


17. Graphic detail

17.1 The bear’s market: Western sanctions have rocked Russia’s financial system

But the damage so far pales in comparison with the financial crisis of 1998

18. Obituary

18.1 Last of the line: Cristina Calderón was the only full-blooded member of her people

The champion of Yaghan language and culture died on February 16th, aged 93