2022-03-19-Economist Graphs
1. The world this week


2. Leaders
2.1 The alternative world order: The war in Ukraine will determine how China sees the world
And how threatening it becomes
2.2 The world economy: Confronting Russia shows the tension between free trade and freedom
Liberal governments need to find a new path that combines openness and security
2.3 Pacifist no more: A big defence budget shows Germany has woken up
Olaf Scholz is serious about helping Europe face down Vladimir Putin
2.4 Tilting at windfalls: Windfall taxes on energy companies are a bad idea
Governments should not seize the energy industry’s profits
2.5 Trans women in sport: Sports should have two categories: “open” and “female”
Biology doesn’t always matter. But sometimes it matters a great deal
3. Letters
3.1 On the war in Ukraine, bald eagles, leadership: Letters to the editor
A selection of correspondence
4. By Invitation
5. Briefing
5.1 Russia’s war: Ukraine fights on
Despite negotiations, there seems to be no end in sight
5.2 What’s the worst that can happen: The risk that the war in Ukraine escalates past the nuclear threshold
Disaster does not seem imminent but it does seem disturbingly possible
6. Europe
6.1 Ploughshares to swords: A risk-averse Germany enters an age of confrontation
Vladimir Putin has made it take security seriously
6.2 Unassailable: The invasion of Ukraine has helped entrench Emmanuel Macron
The mood of the campaign for next month’s election has darkened
6.3 The Z factor: Russian propagandists turn on pro-Western “traitors”
But dissenting voices continue to make themselves heard
6.4 The cats and dogs of war: Europe is bending immigration rules for pets from Ukraine
Many refugees are bringing their best friends
7. Britain
7.1 NATO-lite: Boris Johnson tells The Economist about his anti-Russia coalition
The British-led Joint Expeditionary Force is moving quickly against Russia
7.2 Homes for refugees: Britain finally comes up with a scheme to help Ukrainian refugees
Linking refugees with hosts helps them find their feet
7.3 Order Floww: The London Stock Exchange plans a new bourse for private companies
It hopes to transform capital markets and revive its own fortunes
7.4 A high price: After years in jail, Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe returns to Britain
A debt is settled, and prisoners of Iran are released
7.5 Life in a cold climate: Chilly British homes are likely to get chillier
The British climate is unpleasantly chilly. Coping with that is getting harder
7.6 Bagehot: Does Rishi Sunak have the stomach for what he must swallow?
The golden boy of British politics faces an unappetising menu
8. Middle East & Africa
8.1 Dhow or don’t: The Gulf states are an economic lifeline for Iran
If the nuclear deal is revived, smuggling and sanctions-busting may give way to bigger business
8.2 Message by missile: With America distracted, Iran hits Iraq’s Kurds
Iran fires 12 missiles at the safest and most pro-Western bit of Iraq
8.3 Behind by a country vial: Africa has plenty of covid doses, but it lags in jabs
Blame distribution problems and a lack of zeal
8.4 Game over: Tunisia bans sex work, endangering sex workers
The end of licensed prostitution drives the trade underground
8.5 Hot coffee: Why global warming threatens east African coffee
Other cash crops including tea will also be affected
9. United States
9.1 Prisons: America’s prison system is becoming more inhumane
Prisons are less crowded than before, but otherwise getting worse
9.2 Prison conditions: Debate over air conditioning in American prisons will heat up
Prison guards, not just prisoners, will want more humane conditions
9.3 Trans women in sport: How swimming became the centre of the trans-sports debate
The sporting world is splitting into a mess of incompatible rules
9.4 Abortion laws: The race to undermine reproductive rights in America
Some states can’t wait to end abortion
9.5 Schools and the weather: Some districts opt for remote learning instead of snow days
Snow school today?
9.6 Puerto Rico’s finances: Puerto Rico’s future is looking brighter
With the end of bankruptcy in sight, the island has a decade to turn its economy round
9.7 Lexington: The embarrassing Mrs Thomas
There is no conflict between Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife’s unhinged activism. That is the problem
10. The Americas
10.1 Can’t grow, won’t grow: Why Mexico’s economy underperforms
Red tape, taxes and gangsters keep small firms small
10.2 Planes, a train and automobile fuel: Mexico’s new megaprojects may do more harm than good
The president has built a sparkling airport, but is it the right one?
10.3 Bello: Chile’s new president won from the left. Can he govern like that?
The heart and head of Gabriel Boric
11. Asia
11.1 Mr $700m is back: Malaysia’s disgraced former prime minister is popular again
A judge called Najib Razak a “national embarrassment”. Voters seem not to mind
11.2 Heat island: Mumbai plans for net-zero 20 years before the rest of India
The megalopolis has released an ambitious “climate action plan”
11.3 Into the ground: Sri Lanka’s government is stoking inflation and indignation
Mismanagement has compounded the harm done by covid and commodity prices
11.4 Side-effects: Covid-19 jabs are making other inoculations less contentious
Japan is dropping its resistance to the human papillomavirus vaccine
11.5 Banyan: A debate about nuclear weapons resurfaces in East Asia
Some in Japan and South Korea worry about a distracted America’s commitment to their security
12. China
12.1 Testing the “limitless”: The friendship between China and Russia has boundaries
Despite what their rulers say
12.2 Chaguan: Omicron is changing China’s covid strategy
Beating the latest variant will require more vaccinations and less fear
13. Business
13.1 Value-chain reaction: Russia’s war is creating corporate winners and losers
As well as enormous volatility
13.2 Good news and bad news: CNN+ enters the streaming business at a newsy moment
The war in Ukraine has got people glued to their screens
13.3 Read and follow: Banks and firms face a mammoth sanctions-compliance challenge
Russian deviousness makes it more daunting still
13.4 Should I stay or should I go?: Western firms’ thorny Russian dilemmas
The cost of the moral high ground
13.5 Tonal language: Is this the beginning of the end of China’s techlash?
The Communist Party softens its fiery rhetoric towards the tech industry
13.6 WeBinged: Why the WeWork fiasco makes for compelling TV
“WeCrashed” turns a corporate tale into a popcultural event
13.7 Bartleby: Why loafing can be work
Daydreaming, promenading and zoning out pay rich dividends
13.8 Schumpeter: Has Silicon Valley lost its monopoly over global tech?
The heartland of the technology industry has become at once less dominant and more so
14. Finance & economics
14.1 Economic freedom v political freedom: Globalisation and autocracy are locked together. For how much longer?
Disentangling the two will be hard, and costly
14.2 A deep ditch: Will China’s covid lockdowns add to strains on supply chains?
The government’s fight against the disease has extended to Shanghai and Shenzhen
14.3 Buttonwood: Can foreign-currency reserves be sanctions-proofed?
The war will be as formative for reserve managers as the Asian financial crisis was
14.4 Everywhere, a Russian phenomenon: The inflationary consequences of Russia’s war will spread
Inflation, already high, will go higher still. What will central banks do?
14.5 When China met the free market: A nickel-trading fiasco raises three big questions
London’s freewheeling metals exchange is under scrutiny
14.6 Power grab: Governments are proposing windfall taxes on energy firms
The taxes are tempting on paper, but tricky in practice
14.7 Russian roulette: Sanctions-dodgers hoping to use crypto to evade detection are likely to be disappointed
It may have more going for it as a tool to help Ukraine’s fundraising efforts
14.8 Free exchange: The disturbing new relevance of theories of nuclear deterrence
Lessons from the work of Thomas Schelling
15. Science & technology
15.1 Armoured vehicles: Russian tanks in Ukraine are sprouting cages
But they seem to be pretty much useless
15.2 The Chernobyl Research Initiative Lab: War in Ukraine threatens an intriguing piece of wildlife science
A long-term study of radiation’s effects on nature may be over
15.3 Chemical warfare: How to tweak drug-design software to create chemical weapons
Just ask the program to enhance, rather than reduce, toxicity
15.4 Additive manufacturing: A new type of 3D printing may bring it into the mainstream
It is to the old version as the printing press is to the pen
16. Culture
16.1 In the line of fire: Vladimir Putin’s war endangers Ukraine’s cultural heritage
The loss of museums, exquisite architecture and valuable archives is awful to contemplate
16.2 A Ukrainian reading list: Six books that explain the history and culture of Ukraine
From gangsters in Odessa to paramilitaries in the Donbas
16.3 Back Story: Disavow some Russian artists. Don’t cancel Russian art
Shunning the country’s back catalogue means giving up a guide to the darkness, and out of it
16.4 World in a dish: African-Americans have shaped American cuisine in surprising ways
A new exhibition celebrates the ingenuity of inventors, chefs, brewers, writers and others
16.5 British fiction: A swashbuckling smuggler’s tale
“Winchelsea” is a pastiche of a pastiche, told with exhilarating colour and flair
16.6 Fake news: Sandy Hook was a turning-point in America’s battle over truth
A new book about the massacre looks at how conspiracy theories go mainstream
17. Economic & financial indicators

18. Graphic detail
18.1 Another vaccine victory?: Squashing malaria could save as many lives as covid-19 has taken
A jab that protects against the mosquito-borne killer is arriving at last
19. Obituary
19.1 The star in a bulletproof vest: Pasha Lee went from Ukrainian screen idol to volunteer
He was killed near the bridge at Irpin on March 6th, aged 33