2022-03-26-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week




2. Leaders

2.1 Geopolitics and energy: Why energy insecurity is here to stay

The war will speed the shift from petrostates to new electrostates

2.2 Escaping zero-covid: China must eventually learn to live with the coronavirus

It has a lot of work to do first

2.3 Ukraine’s backers: For all America’s success in helping Ukraine, hard times lie ahead

Joe Biden must hold together a fractious coalition

2.4 When duty falls: Cutting fuel taxes is a bad idea

Governments should support household incomes instead

2.5 Long walk to free trade: Africa’s ambitious trade plan needs to speed up

Non-tariff barriers hinder commerce even more than tariffs

3. Letters

3.1 On Vladimir Putin and the West, private equity, Richard Nixon, company cults: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. By Invitation



5. Briefing

5.1 The war in Ukraine: An uncertain outlook across Ukraine

Russia’s atrocities in Mariupol have not brought it closer to victory. But they have not yet spread farther afield, either

5.2 Reactionary, obscurantist and having a day in the sun: The new Russian cult of war

It has been growing unnoticed for some time

6. Europe

6.1 The concert of Europe: The EU’s unity over Ukraine has given it surprising heft

Remaining united will be a vital challenge

6.2 Seeds of discontent: Voters seek an alternative to Macron in blighted France

But the president remains the favourite

6.3 From the third Rome to the second: Istanbul has become a refuge for thousands of Russians escaping Putin

As in the 1920s, Russians are fleeing south from an oppressive regime

6.4 Io, robot: Italy’s digitisation minister has big goals and a big budget

Vittorio Colao has €40bn to bring his country’s IT up to speed

6.5 Charlemagne: Weaning Europe off Russian energy will mean making changes

So far, little has been asked of citizens

7. Britain

7.1 The spring statement: Rishi Sunak wants to be known as a tax-cutting chancellor

He does not merit that title

7.2 All in a lather: Machines are once again doing the car-washing in Britain

Blame (or credit) Brexit and covid

7.3 Prayers answered: Hong Kongers are boosting Britain’s church numbers

Many congregations have doubled in size

7.4 Close quarters: Anti-infection measures kept British prisoners safe during the pandemic

But as the country reopens, many are still spending too long in their cells

7.5 Copy, paste, repeat: Britain’s next nuclear plant will be identical to one under construction

Standardisation should bring the cost and time of construction down

7.6 Snitches and witches: How activists and charities embed contested ideologies on campus

Compliance is enforced by anonymous reporting tools and benchmarking schemes

7.7 Bagehot: To appreciate the SNP’s dominance, look at what it has done to the Tories

The Scottish Conservatives have come to resemble their opponents

8. Middle East & Africa

8.1 Trade flaws: Why it costs so much to move goods around Africa

Startups are helping shift things faster, but rules remain onerous

8.2 Springtime for Bashar: Syria’s outcast dictator returns to the Arab world

Bashar al-Assad’s warm welcome in the Emirates is a sign of America’s waning influence

8.3 The sands they are a-swirling: Morocco scents victory in Western Sahara

Guns and canny diplomacy are helping it knock back Algeria

8.4 The resilience of rhinoplasty: Plastic surgeons make a bundle despite Lebanon’s economic crisis

Many people have no jobs. Others, nose jobs

9. United States

9.1 Great-power politics: In Ukraine, Biden must relearn Truman’s lessons from the cold war

America once again seeks to curb Russia and China without blowing up the world

9.2 Madeleine Albright: America’s first female secretary of state has died of cancer, aged 84

A trailblazing diplomat with a poignant personal history

9.3 Symbols in sports: The debate about Native American-themed team names goes local

To be Brave or not to be Brave?

9.4 Drug pricing: A new drug for Alzheimer’s is struggling to justify its price

The government is put off by Adulhelm’s $28,200-a-year cost

9.5 The United States of Amazon: What happens when Amazon comes to town

The e-commerce giant is expanding at a rapid pace. How might that change America?

9.6 Lexington: American energy innovation’s big moment

The war in Ukraine could unleash enormous demand for clean tech that America will soon be able to supply

10. The Americas

10.1 Invest or squander?: Guyana’s tiny population braces for a gusher of petrodollars

Other countries blessed with oil have not always made good use of it

10.2 Bowling maidens over: Why cricket is gaining popularity in Brazil

Particularly among women

10.3 Bello: Cuba’s dictatorship has a cultural opposition that it can’t tolerate

The socialist island is as repressive as Russia, albeit sunnier

11. Asia

11.1 Beyond the boundary: How the IPL reflects India’s strengths—and weaknesses

The cricket league is a useful lens through which to see the country

11.2 Horrible histories: A new film on Kashmir has found a fan in Narendra Modi

“The Kashmir Files”, a violent drama, opens old wounds and feeds new fears

11.3 Silent Stans: The Stans want nothing to do with Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine

Central Asia’s post-Soviet republics have maintained a studied silence on the war

11.4 Palace politics: South Korea’s president-elect starts with an unpopular personal project

Yoon Suk-yeol wants to move the presidential office. Citizens would rather he focus on the economy

11.5 Banyan: Joko Widodo is considering extending his term in office

Indonesia’s president is contemplating an assault on his country’s democracy

12. China

12.1 Xi’s hard year: In a crucial year politically, Xi Jinping wants stability

Covid-19, Ukraine and the economy may frustrate his wishes

12.2 Lockdown legions: The extraordinary manpower behind China’s zero-covid strategy

Millions of workers battle thousands of cases

12.3 Salvation through selfie: How narcissistic youth might help struggling Chinese booksellers

They like to be seen in pretty shops. They might even buy a coffee

12.4 Chaguan: China has honed its justifications for taking Russia’s side

Deflection and anti-Americanism underpin China’s argument

13. International

13.1 New cold war, new compromises: How Vladimir Putin provokes—and complicates—the struggle against autocracy

As in the old cold war, ugly trade-offs are inevitable

14. Business

14.1 The future of business travel: A guide to your next business trip

Corporate road-warriors are back. Pre-pandemic business travel isn’t

14.2 Surge pricing: How companies use AI to set prices

The pricing of products is turning from art into science

14.3 Food fight: Packaged-food firms are running out of room to raise prices

The war in Ukraine is pushing up costs just as shoppers become fed up with inflation

14.4 The Zoom lift: Botox and other injectable cosmetics are booming

Video-conferencing and the selfie culture are behind the craze

14.5 Shark attack: What “Shark Tank” says about Indian capitalism

The reality show’s popularity in India may reflect a growing fondness for free enterprise

14.6 Bartleby: What an honest leaving-do speech would sound like

The words that a departing employee will never hear

14.7 New kids in the bloc: Will the Digital Markets Act help Europe breed digital giants?

Probably not

14.8 Schumpeter: Why Saudi Aramco could be eclipsed by its Qatari nemesis

QatarEnergy puts commercial interests above geopolitical ones

15. Finance & economics

15.1 Full metal jackpot: The transition to clean energy will mint new commodity superpowers

We look at who wins and loses

15.2 A volatile mix: Three big uncertainties cloud the oil market

OPEC’s calculations, America’s shale quandary and Chinese lockdowns make a volatile mix

15.3 Departing thoughts: Why foreign investors are feeling jittery about China

Geopolitics are only their latest concern

15.4 Buttonwood: The parallels between the nickel-trading fiasco and the LIBOR scandal

From afar London’s vaunted finance-industry heritage looks a lot like backwardness

15.5 Coming of age: Millennial demand helps stoke the housing boom

The frenzy reflects more than demographics

15.6 Free exchange: Have economists led the world’s environmental policies astray?

A new book argues for a supercharged approach to net zero

16. Science & technology

16.1 Pint-sized power stations: Developers of small modular reactors hope their time has come

War, climate worries and oil prices make nuclear power attractive

16.2 Ukraine’s internet connectivity: The degrading treatment of Ukraine’s internet

And how the Ukrainians are responding

16.3 Loitering munitions: Baguette-sized flying bombs are about to enter service in Ukraine

Their operators will be able to pick the best target in real time

16.4 Cyber-roaches: Robotised insects may search collapsed buildings for survivors

They can detect movement, body warmth and exhaled carbon dioxide

17. Culture

17.1 Understanding Russia’s president: Writers have grappled with Vladimir Putin for two decades

Greyness, greed and grievance have been the dominant themes

17.2 When stars collide: The lives and love of Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh

As Stephen Galloway shows in “Truly Madly”, theirs was a tumultuous union

17.3 Home Entertainment: Secluded in his library, Montaigne looked inwards for inspiration

His “Essays” are a lesson in seeing other points of view

17.4 Keep it in the family: The Sassoons were once Asia’s top business dynasty

“The Global Merchants” tells the story of their rise and fall

17.5 Johnson: A guide to renamed cities

Some reasons for changing place-names are better than others

18. Economic & financial indicators


19. Graphic detail

19.1 Starting to bite: Russian consumers are already feeling the cost of war

Inflation is reaching heights not seen since the financial crisis of 1998

20. Obituary

20.1 The girl who loved reading: Autherine Lucy was an unlikely pioneer

The shy heroine of desegregation died on March 2nd, aged 92