2022-04-02-Economist Graphs
1. The world this week


2. Leaders
2.1 Western support: Why Ukraine must win
A decisive victory could transform the security of Europe
2.2 Back to the dark ages: The Taliban are shackling half the Afghan population
Girls are barred from secondary school; women from travelling without a chaperone
2.3 The Sunshine State: What America can learn from Florida’s boom
It has important lessons for the environment, politics and the economy
2.4 These septic isles: Devolution is making the United Kingdom chronically miserable
Here is how to fix it
2.5 Brands and marketing: The serious business of being a social influencer
Read this leader!!#ad
3. Letters
3.1 On Russia and Ukraine, California, baseball, grammar, Dostoyevsky, Bagehot: Letters to the editor
A selection of correspondence
4. By Invitation
5. Briefing
5.1 The war in Ukraine: Ukraine’s president tells The Economist why Vladimir Putin must be defeated
Surrounded by sandbags and tank traps, Volodymyr Zelensky holds forth
5.2 The fortunes of war: What next for Russia?
For the moment, Russian forces have given up on Kyiv
6. Europe
6.1 Last-ditch pitch: Hungary’s opposition struggles to beat Viktor Orban’s stealth autocracy
The populist prime minister has subverted nearly every institution that matters
6.2 Energy dependence: Can Germany cope without Russian gas?
The government and economists disagree
6.3 France’s elections: Macron still leads a tightening presidential race
He may need to show he is ready for a match
6.4 Charlemagne: It will take years for Ukraine to become an EU member
Better start working on it now
7. Britain
7.1 So close, so far: The Good Friday deal deferred the issue of Irish unity to the future
Time was needed to heal old wounds. Then came Brexit
7.2 When waste is worth it: The British government made mistakes when sourcing protective gear
Not all of them were bad
7.3 Birthing pains: A report castigates the National Health Service
Many babies and mothers died, needlessly
7.4 By jingo!: War in Ukraine and a floundering rival boost Boris Johnson
His MPs are soothed. His position in the country remains difficult
7.5 Not even past: The Falklands war resonates 40 years on
The ten-week conflict in the South Atlantic has renewed salience, especially among Conservatives
8. Middle East & Africa
8.1 Desert-blooming friendships: Israel hosts an unprecedented summit with Arab leaders
It was long on symbols but short on promises
8.2 New blood begins to simmer: Oman’s sultan breaks with the past in economics
An oil windfall is a boon to public finances, but reminds Oman that it must diversify
8.3 The road not taken: A fragile ceasefire offers hope in Ethiopia
But it may collapse unless Tigray receives humanitarian aid
8.4 Red line: Kidnappers brazenly attack a train in Nigeria
Parts of Africa’s most populous country are becoming ungovernable
8.5 Never-ending party: Kenyan voters face an invidious choice in August
Neither of the leading candidates inspires much hope
9. United States
9.1 Child allowance: Why America’s most successful anti-poverty programme is going cold
The triumph of a giant experiment in child welfare is being squandered
9.2 College bonds: Los Angeles provides every first-grader with cash for college
Automatic college savings can go a long way
9.3 Hold the salt: The promise and pitfalls of desalination
California needs to diversify its water supply as the West dries up. How much can desalination help?
9.4 Defence spending: The Biden administration’s defence-spending proposal is a muddle
It looks hasty and lacks a needed sense of strategy
9.5 Public opinion: Americans’ views on the war reveal a striking generational divide
Memories of the cold war may be part of the explanation
9.6 Lexington: Tripping over himself: What Joe Biden’s gaffe says about his end-game in Ukraine
Nine ad-libbed words mask his caution in dealing with Vladimir Putin
10. The Americas
10.1 From protester to president: Chilean education lurches to the left
Gabriel Boric vows to forgive student loans and reduce testing in schools
10.2 Injudicious judges: Central America’s legal systems are increasingly corrupt
In Guatemala alone some 15 legal officials have been forced to flee in the past year
10.3 Bello: Brazil’s presidential election in October will be about the economy
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is ahead but Jair Bolsonaro is still in the running
11. Asia
11.1 No country for young women: The Taliban are pushing females out of public life
Bigotry is making Afghanistan poorer
11.2 Pokémon dough: South Korean millennials battle to get hold of Pokémon snacks
They may have grown up, but their tastes have not evolved
11.3 Roubles in paradise: Russian tourists stranded in Asia are running out of cash
It has become costlier to live in Thailand than in Russia
11.4 Getting closer: China makes inroads in the Solomon Islands
Australia and New Zealand are alarmed
11.5 Out of the frying pan: Indonesia, the world’s biggest producer, has a palm-oil crisis
Ukraine, the pandemic and local profiteers get the blame
11.6 Banyan: The invasion of Ukraine has turned Japan definitively against Russia
And made a solution to their territorial dispute even more remote
12. China
12.1 We need to talk about Ukraine: The war makes China uncomfortable. European leaders don’t care
Get ready for a tense summit
12.2 An old problem: Why so many elderly Chinese are unvaccinated
Some are complacent, others are afraid
12.3 The fire inside: Deciphering a Tibetan pop star’s self-immolation
Tsewang Norbu was not the bubbly singer he appeared to be
12.4 The dangers of sitting too long: Two British judges quit Hong Kong’s top court
Foreigners on the bench in the city face a tricky dilemma
12.5 Chaguan: A final victory for China’s propaganda chiefs
A terrible plane crash prompts a revealing anti-media backlash
13. International
13.1 #PutinsWar: The invasion of Ukraine is not the first social media war, but it is the most viral
Ukraine is the most wired country ever to be invaded
14. Special report
14.1 The future of Florida: Like America, the Sunshine State also rises
Florida is booming and becoming more important, with big consequences for America, says Alexandra Suich Bass
14.2 The economy: The economy sees repeated boom and bust cycles
Rapid growth is heating up the Sunshine State
14.3 Miami’s makeover: The bid to make Florida’s biggest city a tech hub
An ambitious mayor is trying to transform Miami’s appeal
14.4 Making policy: A peninsula that makes waves in policy formation
Florida has a history as a policy laboratory
14.5 Politics: The colour purple
Is Florida still a swing state—or a Republican one?
14.6 Red versus blue: Two elections will attract national interest
Two races to watch in 2022
14.7 The environment, water and climate: Florida faces a triple threat to its environment
The environment is Florida’s biggest attraction, but also its biggest vulnerability
14.8 The way ahead: What Florida can teach America
Which side of paradise?
15. Business
15.1 Under the influence: The business of influencing is not frivolous. It’s serious
Influencers are becoming brand ambassadors—even for the poshest of brands
15.2 Store wars: Legislation and litigation threaten Apple and Google’s profits
Regulators are coming for the app stores
15.3 The last lockdown?: What Shanghai lockdowns mean for China Inc
Nothing good
15.4 The next wave of outsourcing: A half-a-trillion-dollar bet on revolutionising white-collar work
Digitisation of everything, cloud computing and hybrid working is fuelling a boom in Indian IT consulting
15.5 Bartleby: The case for managerial decency
A scandal at Britain’s P&O Ferries shows how not to handle redundancies
15.6 Born to Vin: Vingroup, Vietnam’s top conglomerate, leaps into global markets
Perhaps a bit too boldly
15.7 Schumpeter: Is cancel culture coming to free trade?
The risks from Russia extend to globalisation
16. Finance & economics
16.1 A little help from a friend: America’s gas frackers limber up to save Europe
There might be little they can do in the short term
16.2 Diversionary tactics: What can Russia do to sell its unwanted oil?
China and India sniff a bargain
16.3 Side channels: India grapples with the new realities of the global oil market
The question is how to pay for Russian oil
16.4 Buttonwood: Can the Fed pull off an “immaculate disinflation”?
Past experience suggests soft landings are rare
16.5 Wounded bear: Under unprecedented sanctions, how is the Russian economy faring?
Better than you might think
16.6 Menu costs: Surging food prices take a toll on poor economies
In places like Sri Lanka and Egypt, they add to existing strains
16.7 Before death do us part: The White House wants to close a tax loophole used by the ultra-rich
A plan to go after unrealised capital gains faces big hurdles
16.8 Free exchange: Will dollar dominance give way to a multipolar system of currencies?
Recent trends suggest the yuan will not gain much
17. Science & technology
17.1 Alternative energy: Sensors that scavenge their power are all the rage
They can run on light, heat and even vibrations
17.2 Anti-anti-tank weapons: How tanks can survive against cheap, shoulder-fired missiles
The war in Ukraine will boost the development of anti-anti-tank weapons
17.3 Ecological science: Invasion of the earthworms
The soil ecology of North America is being turned over
17.4 The glymphatic system and dementia: Alzheimer’s researchers are studying the brain’s plumbing
Tweaking it may delay development of the disease
18. Culture
18.1 The menace of mendacity: For modern autocrats, lying is more useful than killing
“Spin Dictators” examines the phoney democrat’s arsenal of deceit
18.2 World in a dish: In praise of mass-market American tacos
Authenticity is a terrible metric for judging food
18.3 Stand-up comedy: Phil Wang’s jokes are seriously funny
The subtly daring comedian is having a moment
18.4 Great and smallpox: Catherine the Great was a pioneer of inoculation
Lucy Ward tells the story in “The Empress and the English Doctor”
18.5 Sins of the forefathers: What do people inherit from their ancestors?
Asks Maud Newton in “Ancestor Trouble”
18.6 Back Story: Ukraine’s most famous rock star is singing for victory
For Slava Vakarchuk, rock‘n’roll is warfare by other means
19. Economic & financial indicators

20. Graphic detail
20.1 Stacking the deck: A wild gerrymander makes Hungary’s Fidesz party hard to dislodge
Opposition voters are packed into a few large constituencies
21. Obituary
21.1 A different kind of secretary: Madeleine Albright saw herself as an ambassador for freedom
America’s first female secretary of state died on March 23rd, aged 84