2022-04-23-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week




2. Leaders






3. Letters

3.1 On Ukraine and the EU, business ethics, Britain, Hungary, hotels, water: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. By Invitation




5. Briefing

5.1 “War is here”: What Taiwan can learn from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Fighting spirit and the right Western arms may stymie a powerful foe

6. Europe







7. Britain

7.1 The big squeeze: A guide to Britain’s cost-of-living crunch

Incomes in Britain will not keep up with inflation over the coming months

7.2 Red and buried: Sir Keir Starmer’s transformation of the Labour Party

The grip of the hard left has been broken

7.3 Less shooting, more sequestering: The carbon market drives land sales in Scotland

Environmentalists are buying up estates in the Highlands

7.4 Window pains: A Cambridge college reflects on the controversy over Ronald Fisher

The defenestration of a statistician and eugenicist

7.5 Really not new York: The NIMBY city

The parable of York, a place that does not want to grow

7.6 Bagehot: Why Boris bashes the archbishop

Fighting institutions trumps actually governing for the Conservatives

8. Middle East & Africa

8.1 The call of the south: Turkey is making a big diplomatic and corporate push into Africa

It is sending engineers and soap operas, but also guns and soldiers

8.2 Monetising Madiba: Making money from Nelson Mandela’s name

A boutique hotel and NFTs are the latest examples of Madiba’s lucrative legacy

8.3 The sour milky way: Why Egypt isn’t open for business

Despite pro-business talk, the army grabs whatever it wants

8.4 Unhappy royals: Jordan’s troubled king and his bothersome brother

Rivalry within the royal family is threatening the kingdom’s stability

9. United States

9.1 Greener than thou: California wants to lead the world on climate policy

The energy crunch offers the state a chance to live up to its green reputation

9.2 Cottage industry: The case for granny flats

Adding density would boost housing supply and lower emissions

9.3 A fight over jurisdiction: Oklahoma takes a tussle with Indian tribes to the Supreme Court

Challenging the long arm of tribal law

9.4 Dust-up with doormen: New York’s well-to-do avoid having to open their own doors

The white gloves almost come off

9.5 Ketamine clinics: More American clinics are offering ketamine to treat depression

Is this a good thing?

9.6 Lexington: James Madison and his slaves

A row over the management of Montpelier illustrates the racial politics of cultural preservation

10. The Americas

10.1 The United States of Mexico: Mexican migration has changed America for the better

Remittances sent home have helped Mexico, too

10.2 Enemies with benefits: Can Venezuela help the West wean itself off Russian oil?

Nicolás Maduro, the country’s autocratic president, may make that difficult

11. Asia

11.1 Asia’s Ukraine dilemma: Interests, not values, underpin Asia’s ambivalence about Russia

“Democracy v autocracy” is an unhelpful lens through which to see the region’s calculations

11.2 Moo with the times: Indian cows (and buffaloes) are going online

A new breed of startups wants to formalise cattle trading

11.3 Sung and dance: North Korea’s day of celebration reveals little to celebrate

Kim Jong Un unveils luxury apartments as his people confront food shortages

11.4 Banyan: Lawrence Wong is Singapore’s presumptive next prime minister

The ruling party’s new leader-in-waiting is meant to show its softer side

12. China

12.1 Democracies and the dragon: Chinese political interference has Western spooks worried

With money and support, China hopes to bend foreign politicians to its will

12.2 The Russian treatment: Could the West punish China the way it has punished Russia?

New economic weapons are double-edged swords

12.3 The blame game: China says imports are causing outbreaks of covid-19

Alleged vectors include everything from pork knuckles to clothing

12.4 Chaguan: China’s harsh and elitist covid rules

The pandemic revives old fears about migrants from humble places

13. International

13.1 Going to court for the climate: Lawsuits aimed at greenhouse-gas emissions are a growing trend

And better science could make them more precise

14. Special report

14.1 Central banks: The danger of excessive distraction

Central banks are under attack for failing to stop inflation. That partly reflects being given too many other jobs to do, argues Rachana Shanbhogue

14.2 Emergency response: The perils of expanded balance-sheets

The power—and the limits—of central banks’ balance-sheets

14.3 Social issues: When central banks become one-stop policy shops

Central banks are under pressure to cure social ills

14.4 Environmental concerns: The wish to respond to climate change

How green can central banking get?

14.5 Going digital: How central banks are moving into e-money

Designing a digital currency that works—but not too well

14.6 Geopolitics and war: When central banks face sanctions

Central banks must grapple with geopolitics, too

14.7 Looking ahead: The curse of being too competent

The temptation to heap jobs on central banks must be resisted


15. Business

15.1 Proxy power: Annual meetings are the new frontline in the battle over corporate purpose

Climate, race and inequality are on the agenda

15.2 Commercial brake: Netflix sheds subscribers—and $170bn in market value

Can it tempt viewers back with advertising?

15.3 Take this, sucker: Big tech wants to bootstrap carbon removal into a big business

A consortium of technology firms is ploughing nearly $1bn into a clever market mechanism

15.4 Bartleby: Startups for the modern workplace

Sharks, dragons and angels: what are you waiting for?

15.5 Hungry, hungry unicorns: After a fat year, tech startups are bracing for lean times

Which are most at risk?

15.6 Schumpeter: Elon Musk’s Twitter saga is capitalism gone rogue

The world’s richest man is playing with the rules of the game

16. Finance & economics









17. Science & technology

17.1 Human space flight: Spacesuits are showing their age

Astronauts’ wardrobes are in need of a makeover

17.2 Launch break: America is ending anti-satellite missile tests

No one wants Kessler syndrome. But will other countries follow suit?

17.3 Light entertainment: Why 15,000-year-old art might have been displayed in firelight

Markings on prehistoric art hint at an early attempt at animation

17.4 Twists and turns: How balls of blackworms avoid the knotty step

Thousands of them can disperse in thousandths of a second

17.5 Out, dammed spot: A sound way towards reversible vasectomies

Researchers test a means to block—and neatly unblock—men’s reproductive ductwork

18. Culture

18.1 Wanghong art: Social media are changing the way art is seen and presented

The marriage of art and apps is especially conspicuous in China

18.2 Centennial tributes: The comic genius of Kingsley Amis

In his life and writing, the author of “Lucky Jim” relied on his friends

18.3 The roads to war: “Why We Fight” investigates the origins of war

The high costs make fighting rare, explains Christopher Blattman

18.4 Home Entertainment: Love and exile in “Letter from an Unknown Woman”

Stefan Zweig’s book, and Max Ophüls’s film, evoke thwarted passion and a lost world

18.5 American lives: Paddle alongside Dick Conant in “Riverman”

Ben McGrath’s book is a tribute to a fully lived life

18.6 Johnson: On the origin of languages

It is tempting to think that they have clear beginnings. They don’t

19. Economic & financial indicators


20. Graphic detail

20.1 Scorched earth: Nearly half of Mariupol has suffered grave damage

Satellite images show that 90% of ruined buildings were residential

21. Obituary

21.1 A taste for freedom: Peng Ming-min fought for the idea of “one China and one Formosa”

A leading advocate of Taiwan’s independence, he died on April 8th, aged 98