2022-07-07-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

2. Leaders

2.1 | Britain after Boris Johnson: Boris Johnson should go immediately

Britain is in a dangerous state

2.2 | Social media and security: Who’s afraid of TikTok?

The world’s most exciting app is also its most mistrusted

2.3 | After Roe: America’s new exceptionalism

America has a set of laws on important subjects that do not reflect the views of Americans

2.4 | Crisis in the classroom: Governments are ignoring the pandemic’s disastrous effect on education

Neglected pupils will suffer for the rest of their lives

2.5 | Private equity: Why leveraged buy-outs are in trouble

This downturn won’t be like the last one

2.6 | Magna mistake: Voters should reject Chile’s new draft constitution

It is a fiscally irresponsible left-wing wish list

3. Letters

3.1 | On justice services, abortion, Africa, car dealers, Turkey, BTS, technology at work: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. By Invitation

4.1 | Russia and Ukraine: Boris Bondarev on Vladimir Putin’s craven diplomats

And why the war in Ukraine drove him to resign from Russia’s UN team in Geneva

4.2 | Finance: The global economy needs to be better prepared for the coming storm, says Kathryn Judge

The law professor says systemic fragility is a choice made through design

4.3 | Finance and economics: Brad DeLong asks what America can learn from its past bouts of inflation

In 1947 and 1951 the problem went away by itself. In 1920 the Fed tightened too much, says the economist

5. Briefing

5.1 Quavering

6. Essay

6.1 How a free and open Hong Kong became a police state

7. Europe

7.1 | Heading south: Ukraine prepares a counter-offensive to retake Kherson province

Russia will provide fierce resistance

7.2 | Fate unknown: Russia is disappearing vast numbers of Ukrainians

Thousands have vanished into exile, prison or death

7.3 | Explosive growth: Weapons shipments turn a Polish city into a boom town

Rzeszow is a key link in American aid to Ukraine

7.4 | From bad to worse: Polish-German relations have gone sour

Trust is at its lowest ebb since the cold war

7.5 | Minority report: France’s President Emmanuel Macron decides to go it alone

Spurned by other parties, he appoints a minority government

7.6 | The defiant one: Alexei Navalny’s jailers are tightening the screws

Russia’s repression of independent voices grows harsher

7.7 | Charlemagne: Travel chaos in Europe is a glimpse of a future with few spare workers

Employers are wondering where the staff went

8. Britain

8.1 | The wreckage he will leave behind: A monstrous in-tray awaits Boris Johnson’s eventual successor

Dealing with it may be beyond an exhausted Conservative Party

8.2 | The rift with Rishi: Many British Conservatives now prefer tax cuts to balanced budgets

But high inflation makes it risky to stimulate the economy

8.3 | Pestminster, a history: The House of Commons has a long history of sexual misconduct

Fixing the culture of Parliament is not easy

8.4 | A nation of backlogs: Britain’s labour market is straining to recover from the pandemic

The disappearance of older workers explains a lot

8.5 | Britain’s growth crisis: Britain wants to shake up adult education

Plans to shake up lifelong learning are intriguing

8.6 | Chinese espionage: Britain and America sound a joint alarm over China

In Britain, that is a novelty

8.7 | Bagehot: The toxicity of Boris Johnson

No one’s reputation could survive contact with the prime minister

9. United States

9.1 | A Washington army in waiting: In preparation for power, America’s new right builds new institutions

The movement inspired by Donald Trump entrenches itself in Washington, DC

9.2 | Zygote rights: A push to recognise the rights of the unborn is growing in America

The movement risks inflicting grievous harm on pregnant women

9.3 | Command and control: The Pentagon sharpens its cultural sword to win future wars

More scattered forces will need to be more nimble and enterprising

9.4 | Ceci n’est pas une carpe: To hook American diners, an invasive species of carp gets a new name

It has worked before, for the Patagonian toothfish and the slimehead

9.5 | No, no se puede: Democrats have a Hispanic problem

Among Latino voters, the Trump years hurt Democrats more than they helped

9.6 | Lexington: High noon for Liz Cheney

Her example holds a lesson for the Republicans—and everyone else

10. Middle East & Africa

10.1 | Either ore: How the world depends on small cobalt miners

The metal is key to the global energy transition. But its artisanal market is broken

10.2 | Where was the goalie?: Two stupendous football scores raise questions in Sierra Leone

It is not every week that teams win 91-1 and 95-0

10.3 | Lapid response: Israel’s new leader, Yair Lapid, has four months to prove himself

Or Binyamin Netanyahu could win back power

10.4 | Paving paradise: Historic houseboats fall victim to Egypt’s addiction to cement

Centuries-old homes are being bulldozed

10.5 | The latest railway bazaar: A new web of Arab railways could transform the Middle East

But old enmities block many of the links

11. The Americas

11.1 | Hearts, not minds: Chile’s new draft constitution would shift the country far to the left

The process of drafting it has also polarised the country

11.2 | Find works; insert spanner; repeat: Argentina’s economy minister resigns because of political infighting

Martin Guzmán’s departure will exacerbate the country’s economic ills

11.3 | Rafting with rebels: Some ex-FARC guerrillas have become tourist guides in Colombia

But not everyone has swapped pistols for paddles

12. Asia

12.1 | Cold comfort: South Korea and Japan have a rare chance to make friends

They should be close allies. But history divides them

12.2 | Bureaucratic nightmare: “I’m from the Taliban and I’m here to help”

Former fighters and religious clerics are filling Afghanistan’s civil service

12.3 | Shinde shindig: India’s ruling party wins control of its richest state

By wooing defectors, the Bharatiya Janata Party has taken Maharashtra

12.4 | Bridges to liberty: New transport infrastructure helps South Asian women into work

Female employment rises when journey times fall

12.5 | Banyan: What pandemic border closures say about Japan’s view of outsiders

Double standards in travel rules reveal a distrust of foreigners

13. China

13.1 | Building blocs: The G7 at last presents an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Just as China starts to scale back its own scheme

13.2 | Above the water line: Fewer people are dying in floods in China

Money, dams and better planning are helping; climate change is not

13.3 | Hacked: A huge data leak in China was not unexpected

The need for unencrypted data for spying on its people has consequences

13.4 | Having a larp: China’s Communist Party cracks down on larping

The youth will not be happy

14. International

14.1 | Wasted minds: Covid learning loss has been a global disaster

Millions of children are still out of school. The costs are stacking up

15. Business

15.1 | PE lesson: Private equity may be heading for a fall

The era of rising valuations and cheap debt is over

15.2 | Business in Poland: Business in Poland faces strong headwinds

War raging in neighbouring Ukraine makes life difficult

15.3 | Venture capitalism in Europe: How sturdy are Europe’s tech unicorns?

The downturn is unlikely to lay waste to tech on the old continent again

15.4 | Bartleby: Reading corporate culture from the outside

It is becoming a bit easier to peer inside firms

15.5 | Schumpeter: What does the future hold for Reliance, India’s biggest firm?

Is it on the verge of a break-up?

16. Finance & economics

16.1 | Tougher than tariffs: America rethinks its strategy for taking on China’s economy

The focus is on whether Joe Biden will cut tariffs, but the real action is elsewhere

16.2 | Helter skelter: Do cheaper commodities herald a recession?

Oil, metals and wheat prices are sinking

16.3 | Case closed: What a tycoon’s trial says about the rot in China’s financial system

Even the charges against Xiao Jianhua have not been made public

16.4 | Buttonwood: Crypto’s last man standing

Is Sam Bankman-Fried the John Pierpont Morgan of crypto?

16.5 | Bills, bills, bills: As interest rates climb and the economy cools, can companies pay their debts?

The risks might lie in shadowy private markets

16.6 | Free exchange: Are central banks in emerging markets now less of a slave to the Fed?

The third in our series on the central-bank pivot

17. Science & technology

17.1 | Beyond the Standard Model: Ten years on from the Higgs boson, what is next for physics?

New particles beckon as the Large Hadron Collider returns to life

18. Culture

18.1 | The Torlonia Marbles: A legendary collection of classical statuary is at last on view

Its story shows how politics and caprice can determine the art the public sees

18.2 | To be a pilgrim: Gaming the haj, from the comfort of home

A role-play game allows everyone to imagine one of the world’s great journeys

18.3 | World in a dish: A Chinese-flavoured challah tells a timeless human story

People move, and food reflects the mixing that ensues

18.4 | Perfidious Albion: The diaries of the last British governor of Hong Kong

Chris Patten is as scathing about some compatriots as about China’s Communist Party

18.5 | Hide and seek: Peter Higgs and his boson have both been “Elusive”

Frank Close tells their story in his aptly titled book

18.6 | Back Story: The many lives of Volodymyr Zelensky

A book about Ukraine’s president measures the gulf between before and now

19. Economic & financial indicators

19.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

20. Graphic detail

20.1 | It could have been worse: Covid-19 vaccines saved an estimated 20m lives during their first year

Their impact in poor countries depends on how effectively governments prioritised recipients

21. The Economist explains

21.1 Why is Georgia struggling to join the EU?

21.2 Why are cluster munitions so dangerous?

22. Obituary

22.1 | The mystic of the stage: Peter Brook saw acting as an uncompromising search for truth

The revolutionary theatre director died on July 2nd, aged 97