2022-08-18-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

2. Leaders

2.1 | American politics: Will Donald Trump run again?

And, if he does, would Republicans pick him as their nominee?

2.2 | The Tory leadership: What kind of prime minister will Britain get?

It will be a technocrat who knows what to do, or a politician who knows how to do it

2.3 | The war in Ukraine: Stay cool on Kherson

Why Ukraine’s army should not rush to recapture the whole province

2.4 | Beware bear traps: A fresh American bull market is under way. Can it last?

Investors have been cheered by rosy economic news

2.5 | Never-ending story: Salman Rushdie and the struggle for free speech

A horrific attack shows the old battles still rage

2.6 | The penniless v the merciless: Myanmar’s shadow government deserves more help

International recognition—and the money it would bring—would be a good first step

3. Letters

3.1 | On nudge policies, German energy, careers, Russian colonialism, our summer issue, Don McLean: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. By Invitation

4.1 | The 75th anniversary of Pakistan’s independence: Pakistan’s prime minister on his drive to modernise the country

A challenging moment offers an opportunity, says Shehbaz Sharif

4.2 | The 75th anniversary of India’s independence: India’s future will be shaped by its expats, says Gaurav Dalmia

The investor believes there are three ways they can help to boost growth

4.3 | Health: We need to break the taboo around male fertility, says Leslie Schrock

The health entrepreneur says poor-quality sperm affects women and children. But improving it is possible

5. Briefing

5.1 | The Nero of Mar-a-Lago: Donald Trump’s hold on the Republican Party is unquestionable

And it is putting his acolytes into offices that control elections

6. Europe

6.1 | Stick or twist?: A Ukrainian counter-offensive in Kherson faces steep odds

Ukraine wants to show progress on the battlefield. But its army may not be ready

6.2 | The sharp end: Life in occupied Kherson is grim

Refugees from the region tell appalling stories

6.3 | No room for doubt: Russia compels religious leaders to show rapturous support for war

Should the pope meet Russia’s patriarch?

6.4 | Bombs and balance sheets: Germany’s waterways are unsung, but essential

River freight is hard to beat

6.5 | Rich pickings: Turkey plans to pave more of its coastline

New resorts target ultra-rich Arabs and Russians

6.6 | Charlemagne: How the EU looks after a decade of horrors

Our Europe columnist returns to Brussels after ten years away

7. Britain

7.1 | The maverick v the wonk: Parsing the policies of Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak

The economy shows up the differences between the Tory leadership contenders

7.2 | Eye of the Neidle: In praise of financial professionals who turn into sleuths

White-collar vigilantes fill the gap left by inadequate law enforcement

7.3 | Off the books: A proposed change in the law takes aim at unregistered schools in Britain

Ofsted reckons tens of thousands of children attend clandestine institutions

7.4 | A grave shortage: London’s cemeteries are selling second-hand graves. They need to

For sale: vintage grave, one careful owner

7.5 | Counting on it: Are Catholics now the majority in Northern Ireland?

Census results due in the autumn will provide the answer

7.6 | From Kampala to the Cabinet Room: 50 years on from the arrival of the Ugandan Asians

A milestone for one of Britain’s most successful immigrant groups

7.7 | Bagehot: Why Labour’s silly energy policy is smart politics

The limits of technocracy

8. United States

8.1 | A paranoid style: Merrick Garland is not naive about political violence

The attorney-general’s work on the Oklahoma City bombing may offer clues about his investigation of Donald Trump

8.2 | Primary pugilism: In New York, once-friendly neighbours now battle it out

Septuagenarian incumbents take on each other and a young challenger

8.3 | Alaska’s choice: A new ranked-choice voting system hampers Sarah Palin’s hopes

What happens when second preferences come into play

8.4 | Responding to floods: America’s government is buying vulnerable homes amid rising flood risk

Some flood-prone places are being fortified, others abandoned

8.5 | If pigs could fly: A push for more space for America’s farm animals is thwarted

Lobbying and litigation frustrate efforts to improve conditions for chickens, pigs and calves

8.6 | The Supreme Court: America tussles over a newly fashionable constitutional theory

“Originalism” is pushing the law to the right. Could it be a tool for progressives?

8.7 | Lexington: Democrats are wrong to give up on rural America

Politicians like Jared Golden show they can win its support

9. Middle East & Africa

9.1 | Winner by a wafer: William Ruto is declared Kenya’s next president

The populist candidate stirs hope and alarm in equal measure

9.2 | Dead but not forgotten: A dictator’s ghost haunts Angola’s upcoming elections

Despite a resurgent opposition, the ruling party is expected to rig its way to victory

9.3 | Follow the leader: Arab central banks are tagging along with America’s rate rises

This may slow growing economies and widen deficits

9.4 | Go forth and multiply: In Israel, birth rates are converging between Jews and Muslims

Religious Jews there have bucked the trend of falling fertility elsewhere

10. The Americas

10.1 | Pots of pink gold: A remote Canadian province luxuriates in the global supply crunch

Saskatchewan is enjoying wild growth in the wake of war in Europe

10.2 | Maduro’s mates: Venezuela’s dictator is less isolated than he once was

A regional tilt left and high oil prices are shoring up Nicolás Maduro’s rule

10.3 | State organ: Brazil’s monarchy is gone but not forgotten

The republic puts the heart of its old emperor on display

11. Asia

11.1 | Five years on: The Rohingyas are being wiped out in slow motion

Conditions are dire for the Muslim minority group on both sides of the Myanmar-Bangladesh border

11.2 | Cabinet me-shuffle: A secret government power grab is revealed in Australia

The former prime minister quietly made himself minister of everything

11.3 | The riches of the earth: A judgment in Europe awards billions to a forgotten Filipino monarchy

An unlikely arbitration case ends with Malaysia owing $15bn to the heirs of a long-ago sultan

11.4 | Return to form: America and South Korea restart their big military drills

Donald Trump’s talks with Kim Jong Un, and the pandemic, had put them on hold

11.5 | Tasty stick growth: Prices are rising in Japan, but not wages

The pandemic and commodity prices have done what years of loose monetary policy could not

11.6 | Banyan: The rising prominence of the Indian Ocean worries the countries in it

The arrival of a Chinese ship in Sri Lanka raises hackles in India

12. China

12.1 | No way out: China’s economy is beset by problems

The zero-covid policy is just one

12.2 | Airing grievances: The creative ways Chinese activists protest pollution

A public payphone in Beijing provides an outlet for frustration

12.3 | Seeing red: Mao-loving websites are in a grey zone between propaganda and dissent

They are often useful to the Communist Party, but sometimes argue with its organs

12.4 | Big Fund, big problems: China’s chips push is mired in corruption allegations

The state’s money is not producing the expected results

13. International

13.1 | Mean streets: Armies are re-learning how to fight in cities

Urban combat has a brutal, destructive reputation. It will become more common

14. Business

14.1 | The elephant in the boardroom: Republicans are falling out of love with America Inc

That heralds risks for big business—and change for American capitalism

14.2 | Pragmatic eco-warriors: Germany’s Greens and Deutschland AG cross-pollinate

Utopian environmentalists are evolving into business-friendlier pragmatists

14.3 | Lots of cattle, less hat: Can JBS remain the world’s biggest food producer?

The Brazilian giant now sells more grub than Nestlé

14.4 | Cell-side analysis: Could the EV boom run out of juice before it really gets going?

Quite possibly, for want of batteries

14.5 | Bartleby: When to trust your instincts as a manager

Deliberation does not always makes sense

14.6 | Schumpeter: For business, water scarcity is where climate change hits home

It brings material risks, regulatory overreach and reputational damage

15. Finance & economics

15.1 | American payments: Can the Visa-Mastercard duopoly be broken?

It is bad for American consumers and retailers—and it is under threat

15.2 | Cash guzzlers: How to encourage electric-car use

America has increased subsidies, just as other countries are cutting theirs

15.3 | Death of the big bull: The investor whose ascent mirrored India’s

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala died on August 14th, aged 62

15.4 | Of industrial hubs and spicy crayfish: Xi Jinping’s economic revolution aims to spread growth

An inland city, Changsha, highlights potential limits

15.5 | Buttonwood: Investors are optimistic about equities. They have no alternative

Traditional havens offer little safety

15.6 | Free exchange: Does unemployment really have to rise to bring down inflation?

The search for labour-market slack

16. Science & technology

16.1 | Air travel: Ways to make aviation fuel green

Airlines hope to become carbon neutral by 2050

16.2 | Metrology: Keeping up America’s standards is the job of NIST

Its scientists try to make all things equal

17. Culture

17.1 | Freedom fighter: Salman Rushdie is a champion of imagination, ambiguity and liberty

The author has long tracked the world’s slide into rancorous sectarianism

17.2 | Tracking right: Three books probe Donald Trump’s grip on the Republican Party

With tellingly varying degrees of success

17.3 | The age of discovery: Damião de Góis and Luís de Camões embodied contrasting world views

Edward Wilson-Lee’s double biography is also a chronicle of debates in Renaissance thought

17.4 | World in a dish: The world’s best summertime drink relies on nature’s magic

Making tepache, like any other fermentation project, is a lesson in co-operation

17.5 | Sri Lankan fiction: Shehan Karunatilaka returns with another thrilling satire

The narrator of “The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida” is a ghost

17.6 | Back Story: In art, as in life, boundaries blur when a heatwave strikes

In the heat people change states. The temperature liberates and suffocates

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

19. Graphic detail

19.1 | Network effects: Monkeypox has spread rapidly in male sex networks. Will it spread further?

Disease modelling suggests that is unlikely

20. The Economist explains

20.1 Why monsoon season will not solve India’s water crisis

20.2 What is a recession?

21. Obituary

21.1 | The joy of small things: Jean-Jacques Sempé was an unparalleled observer of the human condition

The much-loved cartoonist, creator of New Yorker covers for three decades, died on August 11th, aged 89