2022-10-26-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

2. Leaders

2.1 Reasons to be cheerful, Pt. 3

2.2 It’s not just inflation

2.3 Team of loyalists

2.4 An untried skipper

2.5 The circular economy

2.6 Will Iran’s women win?

3. Letters

3.1 World hunger, China and America, epilepsy, Russian literature, our Britaly cover

4. By Invitation

4.1 The bill for campaign populism is paid in office, warns Matteo Renzi

4.2 Mick Ryan on why Ukraine can expect to make further gains against Russia

5. Briefing

5.1 Adieu, laissez-faire

6. Europe

6.1 Life after Putin

6.2 Fighting dirty

6.3 Enter Giorgia

6.4 Gridlocked

6.5 The missing spark

7. Britain

7.1 Smiles atop the rubble

7.2 Needle not yet threaded

7.3 Big Dog has no bite

7.4 Where did all the 50-somethings go?

7.5 How long have you had that goitre?

7.6 Rishi, heal thyself

8. United States

8.1 The anti-democracy front

8.2 Down to the wire

8.3 A signal of noise

8.4 Dirty secrets

8.5 Skeletons out of the closet

8.6 Mountains to climb

8.7 History’s present

9. Middle East & Africa

9.1 Will the regime fall?

9.2 The battle of the proxies

9.3 Bibi’s comeback?

9.4 Slow-talking

9.5 See no evil

10. The Americas

10.1 A tense final week

10.2 A hero of the rule of law

11. Asia

11.1 Latitude is everything

11.2 Circles of life

11.3 Joining the dots

11.4 Trust no one

12. China

12.1 The people’s leader’s people

12.2 Too few at the top

12.3 The coming storm

13. International

13.1 A baleful legacy

14. Business

14.1 The end of the China affair

14.2 Ren-aissance

14.3 The archaeology of the office

14.4 The diplomat CEO

15. Finance & economics

15.1 Trouble in Hikelandia

15.2 The fleeing committee

15.3 Currency colossi

15.4 Super-regulator

15.5 Notes from a party

15.6 In search of a bright light

16. Science & technology

16.1 Inside the gigafactory

16.2 Plus ça change…

16.3 Bumblebees have a ball

16.4 Thesis. Antithesis. Synthesis?

17. Culture

17.1 The populist’s handbook

17.2 Grave concerns

17.3 No heroes, only victims

17.4 Facts of life

17.5 Pinocchio, hero of our time

17.6 Paper trail

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

19. Graphic detail

19.1 The covid baby bump

20. The Economist explains

20.1 Why Ukraine’s Orthodox churches are at loggerheads

20.2 How might Jair Bolsonaro win Brazil’s election?

21. Obituary

21.1 To steal a stone