2022-11-03-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

2. Leaders

2.1 Goodbye 1.5°C

2.2 Now for the hard part

2.3 Big tech, big trouble

2.4 Making a meritocracy

2.5 Japanese turning

3. Letters

3.1 On cocaine, Liz Truss, pop music, antidepressants, diets

4. By Invitation

4.1 France’s finance minister on how to fight inflation and preserve stability

4.2 Republicans should focus on kitchen-table issues, argues Governor Glenn Youngkin

4.3 End life tenure for the Supreme Court’s judges, argues Eric Segall

5. Briefing

5.1 An inconvenient truth

6. Europe

6.1 It’s logical

6.2 Putin’s cold war

6.3 Matching the right

6.4 Fake news and censorship

6.5 The €9m question

7. Britain

7.1 A winter of walkouts

7.2 Convenience v comfort

7.3 The gathering gloom

7.4 Donaldson’s dilemma

7.5 Good cop

7.6 Go east

7.7 Diversity spreads out

7.8 Why small boats are a big problem

8. United States

8.1 Following the money

8.2 The golden mean

8.3 Off colour

8.4 Holistic cow

8.5 Obamacare’s slow victory

8.6 Bang average

8.7 Crime and punishment

9. Middle East & Africa

9.1 Powering Africa

9.2 Rise of the clans

9.3 Swinging right

9.4 Not quite over the goal line

10. The Americas

10.1 Hallelula

10.2 Slum dunk

10.3 Lula’s new world

11. Asia

11.1 Open wide your gates

11.2 The unkindest cut

11.3 Once more unto the breach

11.4 The colour of Islam

11.5 Not enough to speak

12. China

12.1 Preparing for a fight

12.2 Top guns for hire

12.3 Xi’s forever war

12.4 The city that covid forgot

13. International

13.1 Bread-blocking bandits

14. Special report

14.1 The challenge of the age

14.2 To those who have…

14.3 Big things and little ones

14.4 Room at the bottom

14.5 Looking after their own

14.6 Dream bigger

14.7 Common sense

15. Business

15.1 The new conglomerates

15.2 Bad tech

15.3 Twitter wants to charge users based on purchasing-power parity

15.4 Singing for its supper

15.5 When the circus leaves town

15.6 The play’s the thing

15.7 Ties that blind

16. Finance & economics

16.1 From crisis to catastrophe

16.2 Double trouble

16.3 Faster, higher, longer

16.4 A few billion between friends

16.5 Red faces

16.6 Breaking the banks

16.7 Biden’s billions

17. Science & technology

17.1 A new Great Game

17.2 High anxiety

17.3 The constant gardeners

17.4 In praise of introduced species

18. Culture

18.1 Building his case

18.2 Mystery lady

18.3 The Balanchine method

18.4 The revolution will not be televised

18.5 Queen of economics

18.6 Not on the same page

19. Economic & financial indicators

19.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

20. Graphic detail

20.1 The calm before the storm

21. The Economist explains

21.1 Has the Ukraine war killed off the ground-attack aircraft?

21.2 Why blue New York might turn redder in the midterms

22. Obituary

22.1 Warrior woman