2022-11-24-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

2. Leaders

2.1 Frozen out

2.2 Disney’s surprise sequel

2.3 All we want

2.4 Let them shout

2.5 Green competition

3. Letters

3.1 On climate change, Bangladesh

4. By Invitation

4.1 Bill Browder and Tony Leon argue that money, not morality, dictates South Africa’s support for Vladimir Putin

4.2 A Republican mayor from South Dakota decries the “Trump effect” on his party

5. Briefing

5.1 Chilling prospects

6. Britain

6.1 Big fans

6.2 Looking up

6.3 Signs of the times

6.4 A long road

6.5 Out for blood

6.6 Another East End success

6.7 Conservative realism

7. Europe

7.1 The second front

7.2 And the band played on

7.3 The Pope’s nein

7.4 First reforms, then cash

7.5 Mr Macron goes to Washington

7.6 Cut-and-paste politics

8. United States

8.1 Anybody’s thing

8.2 Orc invasion

8.3 The homeless decline

8.4 Bench press

8.5 Loan to values

8.6 Roll-up, roll-out

8.7 When Dreamers are deferred

9. Middle East & Africa

9.1 Turmoil at home, jitters abroad

9.2 Sects in the city

9.3 Kicking ahead

9.4 Politics by other means

9.5 Chocolate wars

10. The Americas

10.1 A divided country

10.2 Crying foul

10.3 The bard of Cuba

11. Asia

11.1 Indian realism

11.2 Pakistan to the rescue

11.3 Anwar Ibrahim gets the prize

11.4 A storm in a satellite dish

11.5 Lessons from the doghouse

12. China

12.1 The road to co-operation

12.2 Covid confusion

12.3 Blessed are the meek

12.4 China’s slowdown hurts the young

13. International

13.1 Hot tempers

14. Business

14.1 Giving up on China

14.2 Countdown to lift-off

14.3 Hard bargains

14.4 Prime of life

14.5 How to do lay-offs right

14.6 The impossible-to-replace CEO

15. Finance & economics

15.1 Xi’s big bang

15.2 Banking on them

15.3 Cryptzero

15.4 Hot like Minnesota

15.5 The coming crunch

15.6 Frightening tightening

15.7 Return of the rainmaker

16. Science & technology

16.1 Building with bacteria

16.2 Perseverance perseveres

16.3 Trust no one

16.4 Antibait

16.5 A new Roman “emperor”

17. Culture

17.1 Tales of the megacity

17.2 House of horrors

17.3 Metre made

17.4 Assimilation nation

17.5 Siege in the capital

17.6 Iceberg, right ahead

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

19. Graphic detail

19.1 Victims of the energy weapon

20. The Economist explains

20.1 What is long-termism?

20.2 How is Ukraine’s software industry weathering the war?

21. Obituary

21.1 A mother’s rage