2022-12-01-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

2. Leaders

2.1 China’s covid failure

2.2 Will the cap fit?

2.3 CoD and chips

2.4 The digital front

2.5 The wounds of silence

3. Letters

3.1 Letters to the editor

4. By Invitation

4.1 The Chinese government exercises control through local busybodies, explains Lynette H. Ong

4.2 The protests in China may change the way Xi Jinping runs the country, says Minxin Pei

5. Briefing

5.1 Zero options

6. Britain

6.1 Wear and care

6.2 Few on pews

6.3 Tory jarheads

6.4 Here’s an idea

6.5 Royal erosion

6.6 Insulation nation

6.7 If you don’t like it, there’s the door

7. Europe

7.1 Crimean War

7.2 Big Viktor is watching

7.3 Angela Merkel’s faded glory

7.4 Unreasonably blue

7.5 So goes the blow

7.6 United States, divided Europe

8. United States

8.1 The conundrum of three-way nuclear deterrence

8.2 No harm intended

8.3 To the winners, the spoilers

8.4 Bodies, bodies, bodies

8.5 In vino veritas

8.6 Star dreck

9. Middle East & Africa

9.1 Too poor to strike

9.2 Numbers is just a book in the Bible

9.3 Ranch of government

9.4 Mine craft

9.5 Brotherhood of bikers

10. The Americas

10.1 Oil be back

10.2 The coming swing to the right

11. Asia

11.1 When the chips are down

11.2 Across the Strait, a lockdown protest

11.3 Hail the chief

11.4 Mongrel mobsters

11.5 Pilgrim’s progress

11.6 How the other half live

12. China

12.1 Echoes of the past

12.2 Solidarity, of a sort

12.3 Testing the party

12.4 Lessons from a protest

13. International

13.1 Talking about it at last

14. Business

14.1 America’s best firms…and the rest

14.2 Game on or game over?

14.3 The hand on the tap

14.4 Ins and outs

14.5 The other gig economy

15. Finance & economics

15.1 Crude weapon

15.2 Uncle Sham

15.3 Laundry softener

15.4 Vault face

15.5 Fiscal feud

15.6 PE-kaboo

15.7 I’ll do things for you

16. Science & technology

16.1 A nest of wipers

16.2 Black hats, white hats, grey hats

16.3 Ill winds

16.4 Enter lecanemab

16.5 An amphibious dinosaur from the Cretaceous

17. Culture

17.1 The algorithm’s mercy

17.2 In the doge house

17.3 Art against war

17.4 Home truths

17.5 Rise of the cyborgs

17.6 Heaven with the gates off

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

19. Graphic detail

19.1 Margins matter

20. The Economist explains

20.1 Why has America’s army recruitment plummeted?

20.2 Why are boys doing badly at school?

21. Obituary

21.1 An unlikely strongman