2023-06-15-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

1.4 This week’s covers

2. Leaders

2.1 How Britain can become an AI superpower

2.2 Joe Biden and Narendra Modi are drawing their countries closer

2.3 The real injustice would have been not to indict Donald Trump

2.4 The crackdown on foreign firms will deter global business—and undermine China’s own interests

2.5 Fiscal policy in the rich world is mind-bogglingly reckless

3. Letters

3.1 Letters to the editor

4. By Invitation

4.1 Sir Richard Barrons on the broader security considerations around Ukraine’s counter-offensive

4.2 Finding the money to fix the world requires a rethink on tax, says Jayati Ghosh

5. Europe

5.1 Ukraine’s counter-offensive is making mixed progress

5.2 The death of Silvio Berlusconi creates uncertainty for his party

5.3 Germany’s new national security strategy is strong on goals, less so on means

5.4 The problems ailing Western Europe’s left are not just cyclical

5.5 Why Europe’s asylum policy desperately needs rebooting

6. Britain

6.1 How to make Britain’s AI dreams reality

6.2 How much is a human head?

6.3 Wage growth, inflation and more place Britain’s central bank in a spot

6.4 Reading the death certificate on Boris Johnson’s political career

7. United States

7.1 The South is fast becoming America’s industrial heartland

7.2 How ChatGPT could help teachers and lower the cost of college

7.3 How LA’s drag nuns took centre stage in the culture wars

7.4 American states are bailing out public transport

7.5 Attack of the feral parakeets in New York

7.6 How the Pentagon thinks about America’s strategy in the Pacific

7.7 North Carolina may be the hottest political battleground of 2024

8. Middle East & Africa

8.1 Egyptians are disgruntled with President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi

8.2 Why wretched Lebanese are fleeing across the sea

8.3 Saudi Arabia may accept normal relations with Israel

8.4 Why Kenya could take the lead in carbon removal

8.5 Rural Africans are finding work beyond their farms

9. The Americas

9.1 Lula’s ambitious plans to save the Amazon clash with reality

9.2 What does China want from Latin America and the Caribbean?

9.3 Canada’s wildfires have burnt an area 16 times larger than normal

10. Asia

10.1 America is courting India in part for its growing economic clout

10.2 India’s foreign minister on ties with America, China and Russia

10.3 On defence, America and India edge closer together

11. China

11.1 America and China try to move past a new bump in relations

11.2 China hopes Mazu, a sea goddess, can help it win over Taiwan

11.3 China’s tolerance for public oversight is limited

11.4 Xi Jinping reaches into China’s ancient history for a new claim to rule

12. International

12.1 India’s diaspora is bigger and more influential than any in history

13. Business

13.1 Is doing business in China becoming impossible for foreigners?

13.2 Oracle is making Larry Ellison the world’s third-richest man

13.3 It is make or break for Intel’s giant bet on Germany

13.4 The upside of workplace jargon

13.5 Which sport is the best business?

13.6 Why self-storage is turning into hot property

13.7 How long will the travel boom last?

13.8 What Tesla and other carmakers can learn from Ford

14. Finance & economics

14.1 Is the global housing slump over?

14.2 A new super-regulator takes aim at rampant corruption in Chinese finance

14.3 Sooner or later, America’s financial system could seize up

14.4 AI is not yet killing jobs

14.5 America is losing ground in Asian trade

14.6 South Korea has had enough of being called an emerging market

14.7 Wage-price spirals are far scarier in theory than in practice

15. Science & technology

15.1 The idea of “holobionts” represents a paradigm shift in biology

15.2 There’s more than one way to spay a cat

16. Culture

16.1 For the boldest commentary on African politics, look to cartoonists

16.2 The eastern half of Europe is united by its diversity

16.3 Cormac McCarthy was the great novelist of the American West

16.4 A potato can have no finer fate than ending up as an Irish crisp

16.5 Meant to be liberating, the Sullivanian community became a nightmare

16.6 “The Full Monty” gang are back

17. The Economist reads

17.1 What to read to understand modern Poland

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

19. Graphic detail

19.1 England may soon become the world’s best cricket team

20. The Economist explains

20.1 How are people appointed to Britain’s House of Lords?

20.2 Are cryptocurrencies securities?

21. Obituary

21.1 Silvio Berlusconi duped Italians for years