2023-07-06-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

1.4 This week’s covers

2. Leaders

2.1 A new era of high-tech war has begun

2.2 The new Asian family

2.3 “Greedflation” is a nonsense idea

2.4 The real problem with Britain’s water companies

2.5 Why affirmative action in American universities had to go

2.6 The world needs more battery metals. Time to mine the seabed

3. Letters

3.1 Letters to the editor

4. By Invitation

4.1 Lee Bollinger laments the ruling by America’s Supreme Court against affirmative action

4.2 Alexander Gabuev on China’s strategic calculations after the turmoil in Russia

4.3 Thames Water may be troubled but privatisation has served Britain well, argues Michael Howard

5. Briefing

5.1 Why China should be friendlier to its neighbours

6. Europe

6.1 Vladimir Putin’s useful idiots

6.2 Ukraine wants American cluster bombs—quickly

6.3 The Baltic states fear that NATO is being complacent

6.4 Can Sweden’s two-track economy avoid a recession?

6.5 The burning of the banlieues

7. Britain

7.1 How to understand the woeful state of Britain’s water utilities

7.2 Labour’s cabinet would be Britain’s most state-educated since 1945

7.3 The NHS in England gets a plan for fixing its broken workforce

7.4 Britons love country fairs. Why?

7.5 Why right-wing Europeans are flocking to an English thinker

7.6 Britain’s tough asylum plans are held up in court and by the Lords

7.7 Britons turn into Borat when it comes to health, housing and avocados

8. United States

8.1 What to make of the Supreme Court’s tumultuous term

8.2 Can baseball fans be won over by the world’s second biggest sport?

8.3 Chicago hopes to become a world centre for quantum research

8.4 Republican presidential candidates canoodle with Moms for Liberty

8.5 Dick Ravitch, New York’s fiscal superman

8.6 How American universities will react as race-based admissions end

8.7 America has a shortage of lab monkeys

9. Middle East & Africa

9.1 What MBS wants from Joe Biden

9.2 Israel launched its biggest raid on the West Bank in over 20 years

9.3 Nigeria’s new president acts fast

9.4 Senegal’s President Macky Sall says he won’t stand for a third term

9.5 Genocide all over again?

10. The Americas

10.1 Jair Bolsonaro is barred from office for eight years

10.2 This year’s El Niño will hit Peru especially hard

10.3 Cuba’s Communist government taps the diaspora for cash

11. Asia

11.1 East Asia’s new family portrait

11.2 India, an aspiring digital superpower, keeps shutting down the internet

11.3 Sri Lanka is uncovering mass graves but not the grisly truth of its civil war

12. China

12.1 China’s Communist Party is tightening its grip in businesses

12.2 Hong Kong puts a price on the heads of democracy activists

12.3 Challenging the stigma associated with single mothers in China

12.4 China’s message to the global south

13. International

13.1 NATO is drafting new plans to defend Europe

14. Special report

14.1 The war in Ukraine shows how technology is changing the battlefield

14.2 The latest in the battle of jamming with electronic beams

14.3 Why logistics are too important to be left to the generals

14.4 Technology is deepening civilian involvement in war

14.5 How Ukraine’s enemy is also learning lessons, albeit slowly

14.6 How oceans became new technological battlefields

14.7 Western armies are learning a lot from the war in Ukraine

14.8 Video: How we studied the lessons of Ukraine

14.9 Sources and acknowledgments

15. Business

15.1 The Musk-Zuckerberg social-media smackdown

15.2 In its tech war with America, China brings out the big guns

15.3 Can a viable industry emerge from the hydrogen shakeout?

15.4 How white-collar warriors gear up for the day

15.5 A Lego-lover’s guide to preparing for the AI age

16. Finance & economics

16.1 Economists draw swords over how to fix inflation

16.2 How to win the battle against inflation

16.3 Copper is unexpectedly getting cheaper

16.4 Does it pay to be a communist in China?

16.5 How far will Wall Street job losses go?

16.6 Can anything pop the everything bubble?

16.7 Erdoganomics is spreading across the world

17. Science & technology

17.1 Deep-sea mining may soon ease the world’s battery-metal shortage

17.2 New technology could cement Indonesia’s dominance of vital nickel

17.3 A gigantic landslide shows the limit to how high mountains can grow

17.4 A Belgian company wants to create woolly-mammoth burgers

18. Culture

18.1 Governments are using culture to spur economic regeneration

18.2 A new book revisits the trial of Philippe Pétain in 1945

18.3 Mary Jackson has turned sweetgrass basketry into a fine-art form

18.4 Forough Farrokhzad gave voice to Iranian women’s despair and defiance

19. The Economist reads

19.1 What to read to become a better writer

20. Economic & financial indicators

20.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

21. Graphic detail

21.1 Prescription rules for obesity drugs may unfairly exclude non-whites

22. The Economist explains

22.1 Why Hong Kong is criminalising a song

22.2 Can Russia’s navy thwart attacks by repainting its ships?

23. Obituary

23.1 Donald Triplett was the first man diagnosed with autism