2023-08-17-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

1.4 This week’s covers

2. Leaders

2.1 Is Germany once again the sick man of Europe?

2.2 Why are China’s young people so disillusioned?

2.3 India must abandon protectionism

2.4 Britain should scrap its green belt

2.5 Why sex differences matter in football

3. Letters

3.1 Letters to the editor

4. By Invitation

4.1 The AIIB’s former communications chief on why he blew the whistle

4.2 Hold Donald Trump and his allies accountable at every level, say Norm Eisen and Joanna Lydgate

5. Briefing

5.1 China’s defeated youth

6. Europe

6.1 Germany is becoming expert at defeating itself

6.2 Ukraine’s counter-offensive is making progress, slowly

6.3 Poland’s far right could be the next government’s kingmaker

6.4 How Russian prisoners of war see Putin’s invasion

6.5 French bakeries are thriving in unlikely places

6.6 Having shaken off nationalism, Europe risks civilisationalism

7. Britain

7.1 Britain’s green belt is choking the economy

7.2 Reckoning with slavery remains an elite project in Britain

7.3 England’s Lionesses reach the World Cup final

7.4 Since Brexit, Britain’s union has grown increasingly European

7.5 Britons are ever keener on mudlarking in the River Thames

7.6 What happens to comedy when British politics becomes a joke?

8. United States

8.1 The Hollywood strikes reveal Los Angeles’s deepest anxieties

8.2 Donald Trump’s racketeering indictment is the most sweeping yet

8.3 Iowa has become a petri-dish of Republican radicalism

8.4 Lessons from the blaze that levelled Lahaina

8.5 The mullet has had a resurgence in right-wing America

8.6 Louis DeJoy’s ambitious plans for America’s postal service

9. Middle East & Africa

9.1 The Kurds’ dreams of independence look farther off than ever

9.2 Dubai and Riyadh are both riding property booms

9.3 Ethiopia risks sliding into another civil war

9.4 Herders and farmers seek reasons for east Africa’s drought

10. The Americas

10.1 Argentina could get its first libertarian president

10.2 Guatemala’s elite may try to scupper the presidential election

10.3 Latin America’s local governments too often fail their people

11. Asia

11.1 How to fix India’s decrepit cities

11.2 South Korean literature is inspiring Japanese women

11.3 Indonesia wants to export moderate Islam

11.4 In Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim survives his first electoral test

11.5 What India’s foreign-news coverage says about its worldview

12. China

12.1 Keeping tabs on China’s murky maritime manoeuvres

12.2 China tries to figure out whom a hit song is mocking

12.3 China’s slowing economy, seen from ground level

13. International

13.1 The BRICS are getting together in South Africa

14. Business

14.1 AI is setting off a great scramble for data

14.2 War in Ukraine has triggered a boom in Europe’s defence industry

14.3 America’s courts weigh in on how firms resolve liability claims

14.4 A retiring consultant’s advice on consultants

14.5 Can India Inc extricate itself from China?

14.6 Flying taxis could soon be a booming business

14.7 Is Vietnam’s EV darling heading for a crash?

14.8 The battle between American workers and technology heats up

15. Finance & economics

15.1 The German economy: from European leader to laggard

15.2 Russia will struggle to cope with a sinking rouble

15.3 China’s consumers, officials and statisticians all lack confidence

15.4 How bad could China’s property crisis get?

15.5 Why investors are gambling on placid stockmarkets

15.6 Democracy and the price of a vote

16. Science & technology

16.1 Can computing clean up its act?

16.2 Scientists want to fix tooth decay with stem cells

16.3 A pair of Indian and Russian probes approach the Moon

16.4 Should women’s football have different rules from men’s?

17. Culture

17.1 Conservatives are attacking capitalism

17.2 A new book pays affectionate tribute to the Paris Metro

17.3 AI could make it less necessary to learn foreign languages

17.4 Mint, wax, poisonous plants: beauty tips from Renaissance Italy

17.5 Two accounts of surviving and escaping Chinese repression

17.6 The rise of “kidulting”

18. Economic & financial indicators

18.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

19. Graphic detail

19.1 What drives people to vote the way they do?

20. The Economist explains

20.1 Why are Moscow’s air defences performing so badly?

20.2 Why was RICO, a mafia-targeting act, used to charge Donald Trump?

21. Obituary

21.1 Richard Simpson strove to balance buyers against manufacturers