2024-02-22-Economist Graphs

1. The world this week

1.1 Politics

1.2 Business

1.3 KAL’s cartoon

1.4 The world this week: This week’s cover

How we saw the world

2. Leaders

2.1 Leaders | NATO: Caught between Putin and Trump

Russian aggression and American wavering reveal how ill-equipped Europe is

2.2 Leaders | Held in suspense: Do not expect America’s interest rates to fall just yet

The risk of a second wave of inflation remains too great

2.3 Leaders | Weapons of misconstruction : Sanctions are not the way to fight Vladimir Putin

There is no substitute for military aid to Ukraine

2.4 Leaders | Let them dig : The world needs more critical minerals. Governments are not helping

Just obtaining a permit takes a remarkably long time

2.5 Leaders | Stop the war: How to prevent another catastrophic regional war in Congo

The world needs to press Rwanda to pull back its forces

3. Letters

3.1 Letters | On HS2, data centres, Vladimir Putin, the FHLB, academic research, the Holocaust, prosthetic limbs, animals on a plane: Letters to the editor

A selection of correspondence

4. By Invitation

4.1 By Invitation | The Middle East: Oman’s foreign minister calls for an emergency peace conference

Hamas, Hizbullah and the Houthis are too deeply rooted in their communities to be excluded, argues Badr Albusaidi

Ben Sobel thinks lawsuits from rights-holders could reshape copyright law for the better

5. Briefing

5.1 Briefing | Present at the destruction: Can Europe defend itself without America?

It would need to replace military aid, a nuclear umbrella and leadership

6. Europe

6.1 Europe | Two years on: Vladimir Putin has been fighting not just Ukraine, but his own people

He will not stop

6.2 Europe | War-weary: After two years of war, Ukrainians are becoming pessimistic

They no longer expect the war to be over soon

6.3 Europe | The Kremlin’s cross-hairs: Towns in eastern Ukraine fear they will be Russia’s next target

After the fall of Avdiivka, where will be next?

6.4 Europe | Ploughshares into swords: How Boris Pistorius is transforming the German armed forces

The defence minister is turning the country’s promises into reality

6.5 Europe | Charlemagne: Europe’s generosity towards Ukrainian refugees is not so welcome…in Ukraine

Ending the “temporary” protection offered to those fleeing war will be tricky

7. Britain

7.1 Britain | Lifting sands: Can run-down Blackpool turn itself around?

The plan to regenerate a struggling seaside favourite

7.2 Britain | Tax advice: A memo to Britain’s chancellor, Jeremy Hunt

Pre-budget thoughts from a fictitious Treasury adviser

7.3 Britain | Higher education and race: Some British universities have become remarkably racially diverse

Good grades, high expectations and reluctance to travel explain why

7.4 Britain | Look north: A northern mayor’s left-wing challenge to Labour

Can Jamie Driscoll emulate Ken Livingstone?

7.5 Britain | Refurbished: How working from home is reshaping Canary Wharf

London’s dockland district has more homes, more fun and fewer offices

7.6 Britain | Bagehot: Sir Keir Starmer: bureaucrat first, politician second

A biography of the Labour leader reveals a reformer ill at ease in politics

8. United States

8.1 United States | The Trump trials: Why those who wish to see Trump jailed soon will be disappointed

The flimsiest of the cases is set to go first, and all face delays

8.2 How might Donald Trump’s trials sway voters?

8.3 United States | From sand to sea: Does the American army’s future lie in Europe or Asia?

It could not wage wars in both at the same time

8.4 United States | Counting canines: These American cities are obsessed with dogs

They are probably not the ones you think

8.5 United States | Lexington: The flaws that China’s chief ideologue found in America

As a young visitor decades ago, Wang Huning saw “an unstoppable undercurrent of crisis”

9. Middle East & Africa

9.1 Middle East and Africa | On the brink : Congo’s M23 rebellion risks sparking a regional war

Goma is under a terrifying siege

9.2 Middle East and Africa | Pub brawl: The booze industry reveals a lot about Kenya

The politicisation of business is retarding the country’s economy

9.3 Middle East and Africa | A boost to democracy: Senegal’s judges stand up for the constitution

But with no date for an election, its democracy is not yet secure

9.4 Middle East and Africa | Israel’s ultra-Orthodox: Ultra-Orthodox Israelis’ refusal to fight is a growing problem for Netanyahu

Those keeping him in power are unwilling to share the burdens of war

9.5 Middle East and Africa | Gaza’s devastated health system: The wrecking of Gaza’s health system goes beyond its hospitals

The strip could see 58,000 excess deaths over the next six months if fighting continues

9.6 Middle East and Africa | Saudi’s booze-free bars: Bar culture has arrived in Saudi Arabia, albeit without the booze

And the kingdom’s first liquor store has residents wondering if more will follow

10. The Americas

10.1 The Americas | Lessons from Lima: What Javier Milei could learn from Peru’s economic successes

Argentina’s libertarian president wants to rip up the rule book. He shouldn’t

10.2 The Americas | Ongoing injustice: Jovenel Moïse’s widow is accused of being party to his murder

She denies the allegations, and many in Haiti think that the charges are political

11. Asia

11.1 Asia | Uncharitable India: India’s civil society is under attack

The crackdown is hurting policymaking and millions of poor Indian lives

11.2 Asia | Feral ponies: How wild horses sparked a culture war in Australia

A long-delayed brumby cull is proving controversial

11.3 Asia | Gender relations: Japanese men have an identity crisis

In Japan, women are empowered. Men don’t know what they are

11.4 Asia | Thai politics: Thaksin Shinawatra joins Thailand’s establishment

The former prime minister has become a tool for nobbling Thai democrats

11.5 Asia | Banyan: How independent is India’s Supreme Court?

Despite its enormous powers, it rarely challenges the government

12. China

12.1 China | America’s election, viewed from Beijing: How scared is China of Donald Trump’s return?

60% tariffs are a danger, yet some Chinese nationalists are cheering him on

12.2 China | Science fiction: Why fake research is rampant in China

Eleven students aim to set a better example

12.3 China | Enter the loong: A nationalist effort to rebrand the Chinese dragon

Officials in Beijing want a more friendly symbol for their country

12.4 China | Chaguan: Xi Jinping plays social engineer

Inside the Communist Party’s campaign to spread civilised habits

13. International

13.1 International | From Russia without love : Russian spies are back—and more dangerous than ever

The Kremlin’s intelligence agencies have learned from their mistakes in recent years

14. 1843 magazine

14.1 One day in the life of a Russian political prisoner

15. Business

15.1 Business | In a hole: Why the world’s mining companies are so stingy

The energy transition requires vast quantities of metals. But miners are reluctant to invest

15.2 Business | Through the looking glass: The world’s biggest maker of spectacles wants to be a tech firm

It is experimenting with smart glasses and built-in hearing aids

15.3 Business | Flagging business: Why does landlocked Eswatini have a ship registry?

Countries like it may be helping to fuel the growth of a “dark fleet”

15.4 Business | Bartleby: The making of a PowerPoint slide

Loosely based on almost-true events

15.5 Business | Silicon Valley sobriety: The age of the unicorn is over

Don’t expect AI to bring it back

15.6 Business | A tale of two chip factories: TSMC is having more luck building in Japan than in America

Truculent workers and red tape have slowed its efforts in Arizona

15.7 Business | Schumpeter: Is running a top university America’s hardest job?

Balancing a motley crew of interested parties is becoming nearly impossible

16. Finance & economics

16.1 Finance and economics | Gaps in the fence: Russia outsmarts Western sanctions—and China is paying attention

How the rise of middle powers helps America’s enemies

16.2 Finance and economics | Pick your poison: Europe faces a painful adjustment to higher defence spending

The choices: taxes, cuts elsewhere, more borrowing

16.3 Finance and economics | Buttonwood: Should you put all your savings into stocks?

As markets roar, an old argument returns

16.4 Finance and economics | In the nick of time: As the Nikkei 225 hits record highs, Japan’s young start investing

Will more now favour domestic stocks?

16.5 Finance and economics | Time to splurge: Gucci, Prada and Tiffany’s bet big on property

High-end fashion has some new houses

16.6 Finance and economics | Free exchange: Trump wants to whack Chinese firms. How badly could he hurt them?

History provides a guide

17. Science & technology

17.1 Science and technology | PINS and needles: Long covid is not the only chronic condition triggered by infection

Finding similarities between post-infectious illnesses could lead to better treatments

17.2 Science and technology | Sweet science: New treatments are emerging for type-1 diabetes

The trick is to outsmart the immune system

17.3 Science and technology | Echoes of the past: Radio telescopes could spot asteroids with unprecedented detail

They would need radar to do it

17.4 Science and technology | Spoiler alert: The challenges of steering a hypersonic plane

At five times the speed of sound, a craft flies through plasma, not air

18. Culture

18.1 Culture | The war score: How Ukraine’s fortunes have ebbed

Two new books chronicle Ukrainians’ miraculous early resistance. Today’s reality is more sombre

18.2 Culture | Flower power: The history of the opium trade helps explain the modern world

“Smoke and Ashes” is a gripping, true tale of profits, power and powerlessness wrought by drugs

18.3 Culture | Aural history: Podcasts got their name 20 years ago this month

A once-fringe medium has gone mainstream, but many wonder what the future holds

18.4 Culture | The lives of others: Is everything you assumed about the Middle Ages wrong?

There was more to the period than violence, superstition and ignorance, argues a new book

18.5 Culture | Escape to “Dalifornia”: Growing numbers of Chinese are escaping urban life for rural peace

“The Mountains Are High” examines what is driving people out of Chinese cities to the mountains

18.6 Culture | Good optics: Refik Anadol’s use of AI has made him the artist of the moment

His work seems to be everywhere, blurring the boundaries between art and engineering

19. Economic & financial indicators

19.1 Economic data, commodities and markets

20. Obituary

20.1 Obituary | Better Russia, where are you?: Alexei Navalny didn’t just defy Putin—he showed up his depravity

On February 16th Russian authorities announced the death of the opposition leader